Research a Humanities or Social Sciences project of your choice in a structured and innovative way

Module details

  • Offered to 2nd Years
  • Mondays 16.00-18.00
  • Planned delivery: On Campus - South Kensington & Independent Study
  • Two-term module, worth 5 ECTS
  • Available to eligible students as part of I-Explore
  • Extra Credit, or Degree Credit where your department allows
Degree credit module options by departmentHow to enrol

The Humanities Project is intended for those students who have a particular interest associated with one of the areas covered by the Humanities and Social Sciences modules.

The module consists of research skills training and independent study, supervised by a nominated member of staff who will meet with you on a regular basis to discuss progress. Where students have research methods or topics in common, you might meet in small group tutorials.

The topic of the Humanities Project must be agreed with the supervisor and should be of sufficient scope and allow for appropriate depth of analysis for you to meet the learning objectives. Prospective candidates must supply a proposal that details the scope, the research questions and the timetable that sets clear goals for monitoring progress.

For creative subjects like music technology and creative writing, the essay may include an element of practice (e.g. a composition or a chapter) in which case there should be an adjustment in the word count expected for the analytical component of the module.

Restrictions on module selection: Please note that if you take this module in your 2nd year, you are not eligible to enrol on the Humanities Project (Year 3 & 4) module during your 3rd or 4th year.

Please note: The information on this module description is indicative. The module may undergo minor modifications before the start of next academic year. 

Information blocks

By the end of this module you will be better able to: Quill on parchment

  • Formulate a research proposal
  • Draw together ideas from relevant subjects by producing a literature review
  • Organise a research plan for discussion with supervisor
  • Integrate concepts using self-directed primary and secondary research
  • Complete a writing plan for agreement with supervisor
  • Apply key concepts, research, and feedback to write an analytical humanities project
  • Topics are to be negotiated with individual supervisors and receive the approval of the head of field. Content must be related to an established area of study within a relevant Horizons field.‌

Example projects: 

  • Carbon pricing policy
  • Metascience
  • Philosophy of artificial intelligence
  • Artistic interventions in the 1980s HIV epidemic
  • Tudor land economy 
  • Soviet computer systems
  • Hannah Arendt
  • Medical humanities and visual culture
  • Fantasy, programming and engineering in creative writing
  • Dark fiction and gender
  • Philosophical approaches to sense perception 
  • Music composition pieces
  • Computer programming and storytelling
  • The role of the public in democracy
  • Fiction as a means to tell the stories of STEMM women
  • Political mobilisation in the Arab Spring
This project is an independent piece of work which begins with relevant training and becomes increasing formulated and led by yourself.
Term 1
You will be given clear written and tutorial guidance in term 1 on topics such as introduction to research skills, ethics, literature review, timeline formulation, essay writing and results presentation. When possible these sessions will be delivered in a seminar format with other Humanities Project students.
Term 2
In term 2, you will embark on individual research, structured around individual tutorials and feedback. You can expect up to 2.5 hours contact time with your supervisor, which includes meetings and studying a draft of your work.

You have a choice of final project assessment:

  • Coursework: Essay (2,500-3,000 words) (100%)


  • Coursework: Creative work submission (variable length depending on media) (65%)
  • Coursework: Essay (up to 1,500 words) (35%)

The latter is generally more suitable for subjects with a creative component such as art or music.

  • Requirements: You are expected to attend all classes and undertake approximately 85 hours of independent study in total during the module. Independent study includes reading and preparation for classes, researching and writing coursework assignments and preparing for other assessments.
  • This module is designed as an undergraduate Level 5 module. For an explanation of levels, view the Imperial Horizons Level Descriptors page.‌