Module details
- Offered to 2nd Years
- Mondays 16.00-18.00
- Planned delivery: On campus (South Kensington)
- Two-term module, worth 5 ECTS
- Available to eligible students as part of I-Explore
- Extra Credit, or Degree Credit where your department allows
This module will provide accessible, real-world insights from cognitive, biological, social, and clinical psychology to illustrate how recent developments in theory and data collection have changed some of the traditional ways of conceptualising the human mind and behaviour. Ethical considerations, operationalisation of variables, and rigorous scientific research design are important aspects of the module.
You will be involved in such tasks as: demonstrate a psychological experiment, contribute your own critique of cutting-edge psychological issues, interact with your peers in a group presentation, and provide your own research proposal based on topics learnt in class.
Please note: The information on this module description is indicative. The module may undergo minor modifications before the start of next academic year.
Information blocks
"Great module, well taught, had some good sessions and some mind-blowing ones."
"Really loved it. I would recommend it to anyone who likes psychology."
Got any questions?
Contact the lecturer
Dr Angela Richards