The Transport Strategy Centre (TSC) sits within Imperial’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and was established in 1992 as a centre of excellence serving the railway industry on strategic, economic and technology issues.
Since then, the TSC has broadened its group of research partners and strengthened its position as strategic advisors to public transport organisations across the aviation, bus, light-rail, metro and railway sectors around the world. It is recognised, globally, throughout the transport industry as specialists in...
- performance benchmarking analysis
- identification of global best practices to help improve economic and environmental performance, and provision of services to citizens.
- research in the field of public transport operations & management
- transport economics and policy
- the initiation, facilitation and management of international benchmarking projects.
Today, led by Richard Anderson (Managing Director) and Professor Dan Graham (Research Director), the TSC works with over 140 public transport operators around the world, and facilitates and manages 11 bench marking group thanks to a suite of project management support from Imperial projects including:
- Regular management and finance meetings to keep projects on track
- Financial management, with quarterly accounting and 140+ invoices raised annually
- Contractual management and negotiations with 140 collaboration agreements and 22+ sub-contracts annually
- Administration (high volume management and execution)
- Quarterly revenue reporting
- Due diligence (over 140 clients to date)
- Onboarding new members
- Development of processes and provision of standard operating procedures and templates
Read more about the Transport Strategy Centre and it's activities:
- Flexible movement sensors and bacterial toxins: News from the College | Imperial News | Imperial College London