Chemical Kitchen

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A female student and a supervisor smiling as they prepare materials on a metal work bench

Chemical Kitchen uses culinary practice as a non-threatening parallel to laboratory work, allowing students to refine their essential skills (photos by Thomas Angus)

A group of female students talking while one of them makes notes on a paper form

Chemical Kitchen uses culinary practice as a non-threatening parallel to laboratory work, allowing students to refine their essential skills (photos by Thomas Angus)

A close-up of a student's hands as they fill orange and pink pattern moulds with a dark substance

Chemical Kitchen uses culinary practice as a non-threatening parallel to laboratory work, allowing students to refine their essential skills (photos by Thomas Angus)

Audio Experience Design

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A woman sitting in a soundproof room in the middle of a huge metal loop, having headphones fitted to her by a researcher

Research in the Dyson School of Design Engineering into the physical and the perceptual natures of audio (photos by Thomas Angus)

A piece of equipment with a bright red light, surrounded by dark grey spiky soundproofing material

Research in the Dyson School of Design Engineering into the physical and the perceptual natures of audio (photos by Thomas Angus)

A man wearing a hairnet having equipment fitted to his ear, with red laser lines across his face

Research in the Dyson School of Design Engineering into the physical and the perceptual natures of audio (photos by Thomas Angus)

Creative Bricks

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A pink-haired woman in a yellow top smiling at two children who are writing on paper

Creative Bricks is an Outreach collaboration with the Royal College of Art and West London Zone, in which local students aged 9–11 investigate architecture in White City (photos by Thomas Angus)

A woman with a name tag saying

Creative Bricks is an Outreach collaboration with the Royal College of Art and West London Zone, in which local students aged 9–11 investigate architecture in White City (photos by Thomas Angus)

Seen from above, a child uses printed photos, pritt-stick glue and scissors to make a collage

Creative Bricks is an Outreach collaboration with the Royal College of Art and West London Zone, in which local students aged 9–11 investigate architecture in White City (photos by Thomas Angus)

British Heart Foundation image competition

The British Heart Foundation's annual 'Reflections of Research' competition challenges scientists to showcase their research into cardiovascular health and disease through imagery – find out more

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An abstract swirling red shape with blue patches in the background, covered with green spots

'A flare of stellar vessels' by Dr Régis Joulia (Overall winner)

A wrinkly green loop on a black background with a smaller purple shape attached to its left side

*Regenerating Heart' by Pragati Pandey (loint runner-up)

An abstract swirling purple, green and blue pattern

"Mitochondrial Soup' by Jacky Fung and Amalia Sintou (Shortlisted)

Imperial Heroes

Photos by Thomas Angus

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A man in a Great Britain top with artificial legs

Dave Henson, PhD in Prosthetics Research – competing in athletics at an international level at the Paralympics

A student in a laboratory wearing Great Britain sports kit with medals around his neck

Liem Bui-Le, PhD Chemical Engineering – Olympic weightlifter, competing at international level for Great Britain

A female student wearing a lab coat and protective headwear hanging from a pole in an engineering lab

Melissa Lee. MEg Chemical Engineering – competing at a national level for Imperial in pole fitness