Catering portraits

A series of portraits of staff in Imperial's catering team by Brendan Foster

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Member of Imperial catering staff Michelle Leandro Pontes Costa smiling behind the counter in an Imperial café

Michelle Leandro Pontes Costa

Member of catering staff Pauline King behind the counter in an Imperial coffee shop, proffering a pastry

Pauline King

Member of catering staff Mishal Cava smiling behind the counter in an Imperial café

Vishal Cava

Music in performance

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A group of singers dressed in purple performing in an ornate church

The Imperial College Gospel Choir performing at the Holy Trinity Church in South Kensington – photo by Thomas Angus

A shot of student cellists in formal attire playing in an orchestra

Imperial College Symphony Orchestra's spring concert at Cadogan Hall, March 2022 – photo by Fergus Burnett

A clarinetist playing forcefully

A musical interlude at Graduation, March 2022 – photo by Dave Guttridge


Photos by Thomas Angus

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A man in a bright red jacket climbing ropes up the side of a cliff, with a dramatic landscape in the background

Outdoor Society trip to Snowdonia in January 2020

A group of people in weatherproof gear walking down a path in the distance next to a large tree in the mist

Outdoor Society trip to Snowdonia in January 2020

A group of students in weatherproof gear posing for the camera in front of a dramatic background of rocky hills and a lake

Outdoor Society trip to Snowdonia in January 2020

Great Exhibition Road Festival, 2019

Photos by Thomas Angus

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Someone in an orange spacesuit with a reflective globe-shaped helmet gives a thumbs up

A celebration of curiosity, discovery and exploration in South Kensington

A group of colourfully dressed men and women walking down a sunny Exhibition Road, wearing card tiaras with Exhibition Road buildings illustrated on them

A celebration of curiosity, discovery and exploration in South Kensington

A young girl smiling as she tries on a space suit

A celebration of curiosity, discovery and exploration in South Kensington

Campus sunshine

Photos by Tomas Angus

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A man and woman smiling and talking walk along a sunny pedestrian area outside the Sir Michael Uren Hub building

The north site of Imperial's White City Campus in the early autumn sunshine

A man in a bright red jacket walks along a paved path that cuts across a grass lawn in a dramatic composition with patterns of reflected sunshine

Dangoor Plaza path across the Queen's Lawn with sunshine reflected from windows

A crow walks across the sunny grass of the Queen's Lawn with the Central Library in the background

A crow catches some sun outside the Central Library