
The opportunity to set out a new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategic vision for Imperial is timely, particularly with the launch of the new Imperial Strategy, the corresponding enabling roadmap and the setting out of the Imperial Values.

Our EDI foundations were laid in 2005 as a founding member of the Athena Swan Charter, and this 20-year focus of effort provides the backbone for the Imperial culture we see today (see appendix for a a timeline of key achievements). The 2018-2023 EDI Strategy broadened our horizons and began the journey to embed EDI thought and action more fully into management and organisational practices. We took the first steps to embrace the needs of our diverse community in terms of ethnicity, disability, LGBTQ+ identity, religious tolerance and gender as well as a desire to reduce incidents of harassment and bullying.

There is much still to be done in terms of bedding in the many new people-facing strategies (appendix 2 summarises key points from these) and redoubling our efforts to meet our diversity and inclusion aims. It is also the right time to reunite the many facets of our community, particularly in a post-COVID work environment and in the context of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Here we set out our vision and objectives, supported by seven pillars of activity. Having consulted widely, we believe Imperial’s long-term EDI objectives are best delivered with a dynamic strategy that is monitored, reviewed, and updated every two years. A snapshot of key baseline data and our ambitious targets relating to staff and students at Imperial is provided in tables 1, 2 and 3, and the trajectories within the data over recent years are  given in appendix 3 for staff and in the Imperial Access and Participation Plan (APP). Combining the already agreed ambitions as outlined in our institutional Athena Swan and Race Equality Charter submissions, and the APP, each with their own detailed SMART action plans, allow us to set out key measurable ambitions. 


Real positive change must be an agreed collective effort. Our aim is to foster cohesion through activities that develop an even greater sense of trust and collegiality within our community, celebrate the diversity of our thoughts, and respect for our individuality. We will identify gaps in our processes and procedures and initiate actions that will allow Imperial to meet its equality, diversity and inclusivity ambitions.


  • Strengthen and amplify the Imperial strategies which are people-facing, spanning all staff and student communities and embed the Imperial Values to create an enabling environment.
  • Quantify the gaps in current practices and spaces that limit the diversity of our staff and student communities, as well as equity of the education and research experience.
  • Consult widely, monitor, measure and then action the steps that will serve as a catalyst for further positive change, measured against a set of 2026 benchmarks (set out in tables 1, 2 and 3). 
  • Reinforce inclusivity frameworks for behaviour that establish conditions such that all members of our community can excel in all areas of our endeavours.