Construction plans illustration

Anyone who wishes to carry out work on buildings or land may be required to, firstly, secure planning permission


Chand Patel, Property and Estates Manager

Anyone who wishes to carry out work on buildings or land may be required to, firstly, secure planning permission.

Planning permission is necessary for a wide range of developments from large scale redevelopments and extensions to minor alterations to buildings.

This could include satellite dishes and signage, in certain instances.

Do you require planning permission?

  • If you intend to erect a new building, alter the appearance of an existing building, or change the use of a building or part of a building, you will probably require Planning permission (1).
  • If you intend to alter the appearance of a listed building, externally or internally, you will probably require Listed building consent (2).
  • If you intend to demolish an unlisted building that is situated inside a Conservation area, you will require Conservation area consent (3).
  • If you intend to display a new advertisement or sign, you will probably require Advertisement consent (4).
  • Work to trees (5) (felling or pruning) protected by a Tree Preservation Order or in a conservation area, will probably require written consent from the council first.
  • If you are carrying out new building work, you will probably have to comply with Building regulations (6).

Planning permission