Update about your membership fees and terms

We have recently got in touch with all students who may have joined Move Imperial before September 2018 and who have signed up to the newly introduced annual £30 ‘gym and swim’ membership.

We made a mistake in introducing this new membership the way we did, given the pledge we had made to all students who were members before September 2018 that gym and swim facilities would be available free of charge to Imperial students for the duration of their time at the College. 

Any student who joined Move Imperial before September 2018 has been invited to claim a refund of the £30 membership fee, and will continue to enjoy access to the Move Imperial gyms and pools free of charge until the end of their current course of study. 

For those students this applies to, the following options are available for you:

  1. Claim a full refund of £30 – you will continue to be able to use the gym and pool providing you previously held a membership . 
  2. If you’re happy to not claim a refund of £30 please complete the form. This fee will contribute towards our plans to develop and improve opportunities for sport and physical activity at the College. 
  3. Convert your £30 as credit for another Ethos service worth £30 or more, e.g. unlimited class pass, Active Imperial membership. 
  4. Donate your £30 credit to the Sports Hub – a jointly-run service by Move Imperial and Imperial College Union to support and develop student sports clubs. The donations will go into a general Sport Development fund that all sports clubs will be able to apply to. 

Please note that with all the options shown above, you will continue to have full access to all Move Imperial gyms and pools; your membership will automatically be switched across to a new type that will expire at the end of your current course of study.

You will not be charged any further gym and swim membership fees. 

What to do next

For all options, including claiming a full refund, please follow complete the online form selecting whichever option you would like to choose. Please note that this refund option only applies to students who already joined Sport Imperial prior to September 2018. 

Further questions? 

We have put together some frequently asked questions below where you may find answers to your questions. If you need further help, please contact us using the ASK enquiry system

We apologise for this mistake and any inconvenience it has caused. This membership change was made with the earnest ambition to improve sport for all at the College, with any generated funds being directly reinvested in facility and service developments, as set out in the joint Be Active strategy for sport by Move Imperial and Imperial College Union. 


When will I receive my refund?

We are anticipating a high volume of enquiries initially so there may be a small delay whilst you wait for an initial response. Once your ticket has been responded to on ASK, the refund should be in your account within 5 working days.

Many thanks for your understanding and patience whilst we work to respond to all member queries and claims. We are aiming to get through these as quickly as possible and get back to our plans to improve sport and physical activity for all at Imperial. 

What does current course of study mean?

This means the end of the course you have enrolled to do currently, i.e. if you are an undergraduate studying engineering, you are entitled to the free access to Sport Imperial gyms and pools until the end date of your undergraduate degree course. If you choose to take up a different course in this time or if you decide to stay on at Imperial as a postgraduate, the new student terms and conditions will apply, including the annual £30 fee if you'd like a gym and swim membership. 

Do I still get free access if I have not paid for the £30 gym and swim this year but I was a member pre September 2018?

Yes, you are still eligible to continue to have access free of charge. Please contact us using the ASK enquiry system and submit a ticket stating the following: 

'I am a pre-2018 student who previously had a membership at Ethos; please can I have this membership re-instated'. 

Why did you introduce the £30 fee in the first place?

The introduction of this new annual £30 student fee and the increased staff fees are inextricably linked with the Be Active strategy and the gym refurbishment which took place in September. For the full rationale behind the change, please visit the student memberships page.

Will I have to pay for membership next year?

Once you have confirmed how you would like to proceed with your refund using the online form, your membership will be switched to a new membership. This new membership will expire at the end of your current course of study and you will continue to have full access to all Sport Imperial gyms and pools at no further cost until this time. 

If you don’t complete the form, you will need to contact us directly via the online ASK system after 31 August, as this is when your current gym and swim membership will expire.

What is the Sports Hub development fund?

This will be a separate fund which will be available for sports clubs to bid into for additional support. 

How long will I have the class passes or Active Imperial membership for if I choose this option?

The class pass or Active Imperial membership will be available until the end of the current Academic Year (2018-19). 

When do I need to confirm how to proceed with my refund by?

In theory, you have until the end of your course of study to confirm how you would like to proceed with your refund. However, in order to continue using Ethos continually we advise you to complete this process before 31 August 2019, as your membership will be frozen at this point until you make contact with us to confirm how you would like to proceed. 

If I choose not to get a refund, will I have to pay annually?

No, you won't. If you choose not to claim a refund, the £30 you have already paid will contribute towards any developments we're making as part of the Be Active Strategy, and you won't be charged for any future years of membership for the duration of your current course of study. 

I only joined in September 2018. Am I entitled to a refund?

Only student members who already had a membership before September 2018 and who chose to take up a £30 gym and swim membership are entitled to a refund. This is because we made a pledge to all students who were members before September 2018 that gym and swim facilities would be available free of charge to Imperial students for the duration of their time at the College.

The new terms and conditions we introduced from 1 September 2018 apply to all new members who joined from this point onwards. 

Can I get my refund in cash at Ethos?

Unfortunately not. We are a cashless operation and all refunds will either by made directly back into your bank account or provided to you as another service worth £30 or more or donated to the Sports Hub development fund directly. 

Booking and Cancellation Information

Due to an an ongoing issue with users booking sessions and then not attending without cancelling beforehand, we have introduced a non-cancellation penalty. Any members who miss multiple sessions within a 7-day period will have their booking ability suspended for the following 7 days. Any pre-booked sessions for this timeframe will be cancelled and fully refunded.

Please note: all sessions can be cancelled up until they are due to start via MyLeisureHub. Pay-as-you go members can cancel via ASK (Imperial Staff and Students) or by emailing move@imperial.ac.uk (Other Members).