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Lecture theatre

Lecture theatre

Seminar room

Seminar room


Home to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on the South Kensington campus, the Skempton Building houses three lecture theatres and seven seminar rooms. The bright and contemporary spaces available are ideal for conferences, meetings and seminars.

Lecture theatres and seminar rooms

Lecture theatres


Roomsboardroom style
Cabaret style
Classroom style
Theatre style
Reception style
Room 060 A  /  35  35  35  30
Room 060 B  /  35  35  35  30
Room 060 C  /  35  35  35  30
Room 060 ALL  /  105 105  105  90
Room 064 A  /  30  30  30  30
Room 064 B  /  28  22  28  30
Room 064 A and B  /  58  58  58  60
Room 163  /  40  40  40  40
Room 165  21  21  21  21  40
Room 201  /  /  /  124  /
Room 207  /  /  /  49  /
Room 208  /  /  /  64  /
Room 301  /  /  98  90  150
Room 307  /  /  77  77  /
Room CL2  /  /  /  /  100

Room booking during teaching hours (9.00-18.00 term time)

We are unable to book anything during teaching hours with the exception of 58 Prince's Gate and 170 Queen's Gate.

Should you require space urgently, speak to your departmental room bookers directly.