Chantal Coulson
Personal details
Chantal Coulson Insurance ManagerSend email+44 (0)20 7594 7135 / +44 (0)7593 505 904
Level 1 Faculty Building, South Kensington Campus
Useful Links
- AIG Travel Guard for security advice and in country alerts in real time (College email address required to register)
- Travel Insurance Registration Form
- Student Placements
- Health Clearance
- Research Contracts
Frequently asked questions
- Where can I find evidence of liability insurance?
- How do I activate the travel insurance?
- What about insurance for work experience students?
- Does College cover my private holiday travel?
- Where can I find a letter confirming my travel insurance?
- I am doing my Medical Elective overseas and want to take a holiday after this, am I covered?
- Who can drive a College vehicle?
- Where can I find the Travel policy wording?
Where can I find evidence of liability insurance?
How do I activate the travel insurance?
What about insurance for work experience students?
Does College cover my private holiday travel?
Where can I find a letter confirming my travel insurance?
I am doing my Medical Elective overseas and want to take a holiday after this, am I covered?
Who can drive a College vehicle?
Where can I find the Travel policy wording?