What is covered by public/products liability?

What is covered by public/products liability?

The College’s public/products liability insurance policy is provided by HDI Global SE UK. You can download the current confirmation of cover (pdf) The policy renewal date is 1 August.  

To submit public and employer's liability claims, go via the portal with the following information:

Public Liability & Employers Liability Insurance provider:-

HDI Global SE

All matters relating to casualty claims made or to be made via the MOJ Claims Portal should be sent via our representatives Gallagher Bassett International Ltd (Portal ID D00019)

The policy indemnifies the College against legal liability in respect of damages, claimant’s costs and expenses arising from:

  • Accidental injury or death caused to any person other than an employee
  • Accidental damage to property not belonging to, or in the custody and control of, the College

The policy applies to claims occurring within the United Kingdom territorial limits, and extends to include elsewhere in the world in connection with College business visits by employees or students

Additional cover

  • Indemnity to other persons – any employee work experience person or principal under contract
  • Contingent Motor Liability
  • Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
  • Damage to Reputation
  • Data Protection Act – excluding fines, replacing/rectifying/reinstating or erasing personal data
  • Financial loss – errors and omissions.  Excludes failure to fulfil contract obligations unless to private individual or another university and in both cases in respect of provision of education. (covered by professional indemnity policy)
  • Joint liabilities
  • Personal liability

What is not covered?

  • Animal treatment
  • Motor vehicles(refer Motor insurance)
  • Asbestos
  • Pollution and Contamination
  • Professional Indemnity

For details of more exclusions please contact Insurance.

What is the Policy Excess?

The policy excess is £500.