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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs on Guided Buying

In this section you will find guidance in respect of goods receipting and invoice approval

accordion for guidance on receipting and invoice approval

When goods or services are delivered it is generally good practice to record their arrival, this is called Receipt.  You may have someone in your department receipting goods for you.  At the College, for lower value items this is an informal process and you should always ensure that what is delivered is what was ordered.

At present, the College does not require online receipting for your order in order to initiate 3-way matching of an invoice (the electronic confirmation of satisfactory receipt to authorise the invoice for payment). However, it is important nonetheless that care is taken to ensure that the correct goods have been received and are in working order before any invoice is paid.

If the goods or services received are not those requested, or are broken or faulty, the recipient should contact the vendor immediately, informing them of the fault and seek a return/replacement. Accounts Payable should at the same time be notified in order to place any subsequent invoice on hold until the matter is resolved.

The Procurement Department can assist in any invoice or delivery dispute where the supplier is a College Preferred Supplier, or where the Procurement Department have carried out a tender exercise for the purchase. They are also able to provide advice for any other dispute.   

The College manages receipting and invoice authorisation differently for invoices up to £10,000 inclusive of VAT and over £10,000 inclusive of VAT.  When an invoice for up to £10,000 is received and matched to the PO, the Requisitioner will receive an email notification.  For these invoices, unless the purchase order value does not cover the invoice value, the invoice will automatically be paid within 30 days of the date of the invoice. If there is any dispute regarding the goods or services received, Accounts Payable should be contacted immediately to put the invoice on hold while the dispute is ongoing. It is the responsibility of the Requisitioner to lead the dispute resolution and to notify Accounts Payable when the dispute is resolved and what action to take regarding the invoice.

When an invoice for over £10,000 is received and matched to the PO the nominated Departmental Approver will receive notification and a request to authorise the invoice for payment. For these invoices, no payment will take place until this authorisation has been given.

If a purchase order value does not cover the full invoice value, the Requisitioner will receive a request from Accounts payable to top up (increase the value of) the purchase order. Payment will not be made until this has happened.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Next section – Invoice payment