Risk assessment guidance/procedure/ example
Download original document here: Safeguarding Risk Assessment Guidance and Risk analysis (pdf)
Safeguarding Risk Assessment Under-18s - Guidance
Any activity that involves staff or students (whether acting in a paid or unpaid capacity) working with members of a vulnerable group (e.g. children and young people or vulnerable adults), should have a safeguarding risk assessment completed before activity begins. For the purpose of this document, we are focused on children (defined as those under the age of 18).
The safeguarding risk assessment for an activity should be completed by the staff or student who is responsible for the activity. It should include clear identification of risks that need to be removed or mitigated, and the operating practice that mitigates or removes those risks. As an example, situations where there is only one member of staff or one student present with a lone child or adult in a vulnerable situation should be avoided. This may require you to consider alternative working practices.
When conducting a safeguarding risk assessment, we need to take into account many factors to help keep our audience, staff and students safe. This guidance will help you determine the different things you should consider when planning an event for under-18s, and this will inform you in drafting your safeguarding risk assessment.
This document contains questions and scenarios that should be considered when planning activities that involve under-18s, as well as a table that explores the risks and impacts in more detail. It can be used in conjunction with the safeguarding risk assessment template for drafting your specific safeguarding risk assessments. The Outreach team are available to help if you have questions or want to seek advice via email at outreach@imperial.ac.uk.
Planning your event
1. When, Where, What and Who
Identify the nature, length, frequency, intensity and time of any contact when working with under-18s to help inform your risk assessment.
Questions you might want to ask yourself are:
- Is your activity face to face or online?
- Is your activity aimed at adults, but with a likely or possible presence of under-18s?
- How old are your participants? Are they accompanied by an adult?
- What activity are you going to do with them? Are there health and safety risks you need to control? (Note – if yes, you should liaise with your safety officer to ensure this is fully risk assessed as well)
- How often are you going to work with this group?
- Are you having the same volunteers / staff working regularly?
- How will you determine whether those volunteers / staff are safe to work with under-18s?
- If the activity is face to face, is the physical space you are planning to use safe for under-18s? Is it secure or publicly accessible? Are you on campus, in school or in another space?
- If your activity is online, what platform are you going to use? Have you assessed the platform suitability for under-18s? Is it secure and safe?
- Is the activity after-school or at weekends? During the school day?
- Is there a likelihood that staff will find themselves working one to one with someone under the age of 18?
2. Supervision ratios
You will need to determine what the appropriate staffing ratio is for your activity. It is recommended that at least two adults be present for any activity involving under-18s regardless of group size. Guidance from the NSPCC suggests the following minimum ratios:
- 0 - 2 years - one adult to three children
- 2 - 3 years - one adult to four children
- 4 - 8 years - one adult to six children
- 9 - 12 years - one adult to eight children
- 13 - 18 years - one adult to ten children
You need to determine whether these ratios are sufficient based on the activity you are doing (content and duration), where the activity is taking place, the age of the participants, whether participants are accompanied or unaccompanied by a parent / teacher, the skill-set of your staff/volunteers and whether there are any special requirements (e.g. medical needs) you need to support.
3. Staffing
You should consider the following:
- Are your staff/volunteers used to and/or suitable to work with under-18s?
- Do your staff/volunteers need any specific training before working with the participants on this activity?
- What information do they need in advance to ensure they understand their part in keeping the participants safe during your activity?
- Do you, or other staff/volunteers supporting this activity, require a DBS check? (Note that guidance on DBS checks can be found on the Imperial College website)
- Do staff and/or volunteers know how to report concerns about a participant’s welfare or behaviour, or that of another staff member, including who the report should go to?
- How are you going to make staff and / or volunteers working on this activity aware of Imperial College’s safeguarding policy and procedures?
4. Managing concerns, behaviour issues
You should ensure you have a process in place for staff/volunteers and under-18s to report problems, concerns or difficulties and how you will respond to and / or manage these issues. Imperial’s safeguarding contacts can be found on the Safeguarding website.
5. Managing lost or missing young people
You should think about what you can put in place to prevent under-18s getting lost finding their way to your activity or during your activity. You should also consider what your procedure will be if you do have participants go missing before or during your activity. You may wish to consider a designated meeting point for lost individuals (e.g. where this will be, how you will make sure participants know about it and how it will be supervised), how you will contact parents or carers to inform them that their child is lost or has been found, who will co-ordinate the initial search for a missing participant. If on campus, you should consider speaking to the Security team about your event.
6. Consent, including photography and filming
You should consider what consent you require from participants and / or their parents/guardians for their involvement in your activity. If you are working with a school, you should determine whether the school is gaining consent for participation. How are you going to collect emergency contact information for under-18s or their medical information in advance of the activity? Are you going to film or take photos at the event? How do you communicate that to your participants and their parents / guardians and what consent do you need? More information about gathering consent for photography and filming can be found here.
7. Emergency procedures
This will also form part of your health and safety risk assessment. In order to keep under-18s safe on your activities, you should ensure you have a trained first aider present or identified and local / on-site during your activity and that you and your staff/volunteers understand the fire evacuation procedure. Consider also how you will inform parents / guardians if there is an emergency / accident during your activity, and what your procedures are if you need to contact the emergency services.
Risk Assessment Example Table for further information and support when submitting Risk Assessments.
Developed: December 2020
Updated: March 2021, September 2023