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Champion a positive approach to change and opportunity
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Stimulating frank and open discussion about the major changes that need to be made.
Challenging political interests and functional barriers to achieve improvements in how we operate.
Establishing stretching goals to rethink how we operate and raise everyone’s expectations of what can be achieved.
Establishing a clear and coherent game plan to indicate what we need to do to sustain and build future success.  Introduction to Project Management
Consulting and involving others fully in planning any future changes within the work area.
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Communicate regularly and effectively within, and across, teams
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Adopting a collaborative approach in my dealings with colleagues in other work areas.   
Tackling openly any conflict with other work areas in a positive and constructive way to achieve “win-win” outcomes. 
Adapting my interpersonal approach easily to respond to the demands of different situations and audiences. 
Facilitating effective team briefings in which the key issues are raised and resolved constructively.
Using a Coaching style for team meetings
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Consider the thoughts and expectations of others
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Recognising how my own plans affect work colleagues and taking their priorities into account.  Project Management tools:
Introduction to Operational Excellence Techniques
Listening actively to others with a genuine interest to find out what matters to them.  Recommended reading: Time to think - Nancy Kline
Time to think: Online assessment
Time to think: Thinking Environment
Making it easy for others to give open and frank feedback on my impact and effectiveness. Building a feedback-rich culture (Harvard Business Review)
Committing quality time to encourage each individual in the team to feel an important and valued part of our overall efforts. Leading productive one-on-one meetings (
Giving others clear and consistent feedback on the individual performance and contribution. Delivering employee feedback (
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Deliver positive outcomes
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Cutting through any irrelevant discussions quickly to tackle the practicalities of what needs to be done. 
Responding with speed and urgency to the issues which others pass for my attention.
Implementing robust systems and practices to manage work and achieve desired outcomes.  Introduction to Project Management 
Conducting regular reviews into the way things are done to identify major improvements in effectiveness and efficiency.  Introduction to Project Management 
Introduction to Operational Excellence Techniques
Supporting and translating promising ideas into agreed and well defined goals that focus individual and team effort. Recommended reading: "Drive" - Dave Pink
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us (Video)
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Encourage inclusive participation and eliminate discrimination
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Creating an environment in which everyone feels confident to express their ideas. How to Get Your Employees to Speak Up  (Harvard Business Review)
Building a Feedback-Rich Culture (Harvard Business Review)
Being objective and even handed in dealing with any difficult interpersonal issues.   
Tackling immediately any suggestion of discriminatory or inappropriate behaviour.  HR Policies and Procedures
Equality and Diversity e-Learning course
Harassment – The Management Perspective
Managing the dynamics of diversity within the work group positively to develop a productive work environment.    
Involving others fully in decision making, encouraging their input and considering their opinions. Decision Making 
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Develop and grow skills and expertise
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Being approachable to make it easy for others to discuss any concerns and worries. Communicating with empathy (
Recommended reading: "Emotional Intelligence" - Daniel Goleman
Recognising where others’ real skills like and giving them the opportunity to develop their talents to the full. PRDP
Reviewing and agreeing personal objectives and priorities with all my staff on a regular basis.
Achieving your goals (
Providing the practical coaching and career guidance my staff need to help maximise their effectiveness.
Delegating work in a structured way to encourage others to take on additional responsibility. Delegating Tasks to Your Team (
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Work in a planned and managed way
Self ReflectionDevelopment Option
Ensuring my plans and objectives for the work area provide clear and specific priorities for others.
Juggling working pressures to manage time productively across a number of different activities. Mindful Effectiveness 
Clarifying accountabilities to overcome any confusion over responsibilities across different work activity.
Allocating work in a fair and even handed way to give staff the resources they need to perform at their best.
Responding with speed and urgency to meet the expectations of my customers/clients/colleagues. The Key to Great Customer Service  (Harvard Business Review)
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Additional Resources