Teaching spaces with Panopto
Personal recorder: A manual recorder that requires a presenter to start and stop the session. Users with the correct access in Panopto, can use any personal recorder in any room in the College. Please see the support page on creating Panopto personal recordings for more information.
Remote recorder: Allows for the automatic recording of pre-scheduled sessions. Please see the support page on setting up Panopto scheduled recordings for more information.
Dual: This room has both the personal and the remote recorder.
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
ACE | 203 | skac-203-av1 | Remote |
ACE | 250 | skac-250-av1 | Remote |
ACE | 455 | skac-455-av1 | Remote |
ACE | 554 | skac-554-av1 | Remote |
ACE | 555 | skac-555-av1 | Remote |
Bessemer | b402 | skbe-402-av1 | Personal |
Blackett | 113 | MaevexA592942-BLKT-LT2 | Remote |
Blackett | 112 | MaevexA593043-BLKT-LT3 | Remote |
Blackett | 229 | MaevexA623781-BLKT-LT1 | Remote |
Blackett | 1004 | skbl-1004-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 311 | skbl-311-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 320 | skbl-320-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 321 | skbl-321-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 539 | skbl-539-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 630 | skbl-630-av1 | Remote |
Blackett | 741 | skbl-741-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lg19a | skbu-lg19a-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lg19b | skbu-lg19b-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lgr | skbu-lgr-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lgs | skbu-lgs-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lt1 | skbu-lt1-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lt2 | skbu-lt2-av1 | Remote |
Business School | lt3 | skbu-lt3-av1 | Remote |
Business School | ltg | skbu-ltg-av1 | Remote |
Business School | ltug | skbu-ltug-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 135 | skch-135-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 232a | skch-232a-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 237b | skch-237b-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 261 | skch-261-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 262 | skch-262-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 545 | skch-545-av1 | Personal |
Chemistry | 637 | skch-637-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | 738 | skch-738-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | c266 | skch-c266-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | c660 | skch-c660-av1 | Remote |
Chemistry | c661 | skch-c661-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 200 | skcg-200-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 203 | skcg-203-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 300 | skcg-300-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 309 | skcg-309-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 500 | skcg-500-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 640 | skcg-640-av1 | Remote |
City & Guilds | 664 | skcg-664-av1 | Remote |
Dyson | 102 | skdy-102-av1 | Personal |
Dyson | 301 | skdy-301-av1 | Personal |
Dyson | g01b | skdy-g01b-av1 | Personal |
Dyson | g02 | skdy-g02-av1 | Personal |
Electrical Engineering | 114 | skee-114-av1 | Personal |
Electrical Engineering | 116 | skee-116-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 208 | skee-208-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 403a | skee-403a-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 403b | skee-403b-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 406 | skee-406-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 407a | skee-407a-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 407b | skee-407b-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 408 | skee-408-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 503 | skee-503-av1 | Personal |
Electrical Engineering | 507 | skee-507-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 508a | skee-508a-av1 | Remote |
Electrical Engineering | 508b | skee-508b-av1 | Remote |
Flowers | 72 | skfl-72-av1 | Remote |
Flowers | g47a | skfl-g47a-av1 | Remote |
Flowers | g47b | skfl-g47b-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 130 | skhu-130-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 139 | skhu-139-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 140 | skhu-140-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 144 | skhu-144-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 145 | skhu-145-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 213 | skhu-213-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 215 | skhu-215-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 308 | skhu-308-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 311 | skhu-311-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 313 | skhu-313-av1 | Personal |
Huxley | 315 | skhu-315-av1 | Personal |
Huxley | 316 | skhu-316-000 | Personal |
Huxley | 340 | skhu-340-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 341 | skhu-341-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 342 | skhu-342-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 408 | skhu-408-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 410 | skhu-410-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 413 | skhu-413-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 503 | skhu-503-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 642 | skhu-642-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 658 | skhu-658-av1 | Remote |
Huxley | 711c | skhu-711c-av1 | Remote |
Library | 401 | sklb-401-av1 | Remote |
Library | 402 | sklb-402-av1 | Remote |
Library | l1tr1 | sklb-l1tr1-av1 | Personal |
Library | l1tr2 | sklb-l1tr2-av1 | Personal |
RCS | 108 | skcr-108-av1 | Personal |
RCS | 212a | skcr-212a-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 212b | skcr-212b-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 212c | skcr-212c-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 310a | skcr-310a-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 310b | skcr-310b-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 311a | skcr-311a-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 311b | skcr-311b-av1 | Dual |
RCS | 311c | skcr-311c-av1 | Dual |
RCS | brm | skcr-brm-av1 | Remote |
RCS | chlb | skcr-chlb-av1 | Remote |
RCS | crlb | skcr-crlb-av1 | Dual |
RCS | ltc | skcr-ltc-av1 | Remote |
RCS | ltd | skcr-ltd-av1 | Remote |
RCS | phlb | skcr-phlb-av1 | Remote |
Roderic Hill | 306 | skrh-306-av1 | Remote |
Roderic Hill | 409 | skrh-409-av1 | Personal |
Roderic Hill | 412 | skrh-412-av1 | Remote |
Roderic Hill | 414 | skrh-414-av1 | Personal |
Roderic Hill | 419 | skrh-419-av1 | Remote |
Roderic Hill | 422 | skrh-422-av1 | Personal |
Roderic Hill | 510 | skrh-510-av1 | Dual |
Roderic Hill | 617 | skrh-617-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | 131 | skrs-131-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | 147 | skrs-147-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 150 | skrs-150-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 151 | skrs-151-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 228 | skrs-228-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | 242 | skrs-242-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 301c | skrs-301c-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | 301d | skrs-301d-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 301e | skrs-301e-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 303 | skrs-303-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | 334 | skrs-334-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 335 | skrs-335-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 337 | skrs-337-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | 338 | skrs-338-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | g05 | skrs-g05-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | g06 | skrs-g06-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | g08 | skrs-g08-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | g20 | skrs-g20-av1 | Remote |
Royal School of Mines | g36 | skrs-g36-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | g38 | skrs-g38-av1 | Personal |
Royal School of Mines | g41 | skrs-g41-av1 | Personal |
SAF | 119 | skaf-119-av1 | Remote |
SAF | 120 | skaf-120-av2 | Remote |
SAF | 121 | skaf-121-av1 | Remote |
SAF | 122 | skaf-122-av1 | Remote |
SAF | 460 | skaf-460-av1 | Remote |
SAF | 462 | skaf-462-av1 | Remote |
SAF | 560 | skaf-560-av1 | Remote |
SAF | g16 | skaf-g16-av1 | Dual |
SAF | g27 | skaf-g27-av2 | Dual |
SAF | g28 | skaf-g28-av1 | Dual |
SAF | g34 | skaf-g34-av1 | Remote |
Sherfield | 164 | sksh-164-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 165 | sksh-165-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 169a | sksh-169a-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 169b | sksh-169b-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 170 | sksh-170-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 312 | sksh-312-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 315 | sksh-315-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | 400 | sksh-400-ed1 | Remote |
Sherfield | 400 | sksh-400-ed2 | Remote |
Sherfield | 439 | sksh-439-av1 | Dual |
Sherfield | pip | sksh-piplt-av1 | Remote |
Sherfield | read | sksh-readlt-av1 | Remote |
Sherfield | s303a | sksh-s303a-av1 | Remote |
Sherfield | salc1 | sksh-salc1-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc10 | sksh-salc10-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc5 | sksh-salc5-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc6 | sksh-salc6-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc7 | sksh-salc7-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc8 | sksh-salc8-av1 | Personal |
Sherfield | salc9 | sksh-salc9-av1 | Personal |
Sir Ernst Chain | 213a | skec-213a-av1 | Remote |
Sir Ernst Chain | 310 | skec-310-av1 | Remote |
Sir Ernst Chain | 311 | skec-311-av1 | Remote |
Sir Ernst Chain | 326 | skec-326-av1 | Remote |
Sir Ernst Chain | link | skec-link-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 060a | sksp-060a-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 060b | sksp-060b-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 060c | sksp-060c-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 064a | sksp-064a-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 064b | sksp-064b-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 163 | sksp-163-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 164 | sksp-164-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 165 | sksp-165-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 201 | sksp-201-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 207 | sksp-207-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 208 | sksp-208-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 301 | sksp-301-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 307 | sksp-307-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 315 | sksp-315-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 317 | sksp-317-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 427 | sksp-427-av1 | Remote |
Skempton | 601 | sksp-601-av1 | Remote |
Weeks Hall | b01 | skwe-b01-av2 | Personal |
Weeks Hall | g03 | skwe-g03-av1 | Personal |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Guy Scadding | g219 | brgs-g219-av1 | Dual |
Guy Scadding | pwlt | brgs-pwlt-av2 | Dual |
Sydney St | sem2 | brss-sem2-av1 | Dual |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Glenister Hall | g1 | cxgh-g1-av1 | Dual |
Glenister Hall | g3 | cxgh-g3-av1 | Dual |
Glenister Hall | gh | cxgh-gh-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 10lt | cxlb-10lt-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 11pm | cxlb-11pm-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 13l05 | cxlb-13l05-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l21a | cxlb-7l21a-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l21b | cxlb-7l21b-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l22a | cxlb-7l22a-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l22b | cxlb-7l22b-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l23 | cxlb-7l23-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 7l24 | cxlb-7l24-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 8lt | cxlb-8lt-av1 | Dual |
Lab Block | 9lt | cxlb-9lt-av1 | Dual |
Reynolds | 116b | cxrb-116b-av1 | Dual |
Reynolds | drewe | cxrb-dr-av1 | Dual |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Commonwealth | 3n1 | hhcw-3n1-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | 3n7 | hhcw-3n7-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | 3s1b | hhcw-3s1b-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | 3s2 | hhcw-3s2-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | 3s5 | hhcw-3s5-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb10a | hhcw-sb10a-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb10b | hhcw-sb10b-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb11a | hhcw-sb11a-av1 | Remote |
Commonwealth | sb11b | hhcw-sb11b-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb12a | hhcw-sb12a-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb12b | hhcw-sb12b-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb13a | hhcw-sb13a-av1 | Dual |
Commonwealth | sb13b | hhcw-sb13b-av1 | Dual |
L-Block | b30 | hhlb-b30-av1 | Dual |
L-Block | b30c | hhlb-b30c-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | lt1 | hhwc-lt1-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | lt2 | hhwc-lt2-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | lt3 | hhwc-lt3-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | sr1 | hhwc-sr1-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | sr2 | hhwc-sr2-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | sr3 | hhwc-sr3-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | sr4 | hhwc-sr4-av1 | Dual |
Wolfson | sr5 | hhwc-sr5-av1 | Dual |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Chelsea & Westminster | glee | chwe-glee-av1 | Dual |
Chelsea & Westminster | wyma | chwe-wyma-av1 | Dual |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Cambridge Wing | clinlt | smca-clinlt-av1 | Dual |
QEQM | cockburn | smqe-cockb-av1 | Dual |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
Centre for Population Biology | semrm | sppb-semrm-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | 101 | sphb-101-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | 103 | sphb-103-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | g01a | sphb-g01a-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | g01b | sphb-g01b-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | g02a | sphb-g02a-av1 | Remote |
Hamilton | g02b | sphb-g02b-av1 | Remote |
Building |
Room |
Recorder Name |
Recorder Type |
I-HUB | 608a | wcih-608a-av1 | Remote |
I-HUB | 608b | wcih-608b-av1 | Remote |
I-HUB | 612a | wcih-612a-av1 | Remote |
I-HUB | 612b | wcih-612b-av1 | Remote |
MSRH | b10 | wcbc-b10-av2 | Remote |
MSRH | g23 | wcbc-g23-av1 | Remote |
MSRH | g25 | wcbc-g25-av1 | Remote |
MSRH | g27 | wcbc-g27-av1 | Remote |
Scale Space | T2 | T2Primary | Remote |
Scale Space | T3 | T3Secondary | Remote |
Scale Space | ats1 | wcss-ats1-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 102 | wcph-102-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 103 | wcph-103-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 105 | wcph-105-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 106 | wcph-106-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 107 | wcph-107-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 202 | wcph-202-av1 | Remote |
School of Public Health | 204 | wcph-204-av1 | Remote |
Sir Michael Uren | 1202 | wcbe-1202-av1 | Remote |
Sir Michael Uren | 1203 | wcbe-1203-av1 | Remote |
Sir Michael Uren | 1205 | wcbe-1205-av1 | Remote |