InteDashboard is a Team Based learning (TBL) platform that integrates with Blackboard. It helps teaching staff implement TBL sessions, helping students improve knowledge through individual testing and group collaboration.
TBL is a teaching strategy that offers the benefits of small group learning within large classes by creating opportunities for students to apply conceptual knowledge through a systematic process of preparatory work, individual assessment, teamwork and immediate feedback.
Key Features
- Prework This comprises of preparatory materials to be completed by students ahead of the testing portion of the activity
- Individual Readiness Assurance Test (IRAT) This is a multiple-choice questionnaire based on information in the prework activity. Students answer individually
- Team Readiness Assurance Test (TRAT) This is a multiple-choice questionnaire consisting of the same questions as the IRAT. Students answer in teams
- Application This is an activity to consolidate learning from both the prework and RAT sections, students should participate in teams and can present to the rest of the class
- Peer Evaluation Staff can configure this optional step which allows students to evaluate their teammates contribution in the TRAT and Application activities. There is also an option for self-evaluation
- Each step in the process can be configured to run either synchronously or asynchronously
Help for Students
Accessing InteDashboard through Blackboard
To access InteDashboard via Blackboard you will see a link in your Blackboard Course that will link you directly to the appropriate activity in that course. Your course leader will inform you when you need to participate in this activity.
More help for students

More Help
More help using InteDashboard can be found on the InteDashboard Knowlege Base

ICT Service Desk
Any technical issues with InteDashboard should be reported to the ICT Service Desk.