Supporting vulnerable people

Concerns about the wellbeing of members of Imperial need to be considered and dealt with appropriately.  This includes providing support to people who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. 

'Radicalisation' could involve an individual moving towards vocal or active support for extremist social, political, or religious causes, movements or ideologies.  'Active' means that there is a risk that the individual could be drawn into violent action or support for violence.  The aim of Prevent - and Imperial's Referral of Concerns procedure (below) - is to identify vulnerable individuals who may be who may be in the process of becoming radicalised so that we can offer them the proper support as soon as possible.

The Government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy includes the following working definition::

“the vocal or active opposition to our fundamental values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and the mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  We also regard calls for the death of members of our armed forces as extremist.” 


Identifying a concern

If you have noticed behaviour linked to an individual or individuals which might indicate a Prevent-related concern, you should raise this as soon as possible in accordance with the Policy.  This might result in:

  • confirmation that there could be a Prevent concern; or
  • clarification that there is a welfare concern not related to Prevent; or
  • clarification that there is no concern.

If in doubt you may wish to refer to the Home Office’s Vulnerability Assessment Framework in the first instance.  However, whichever is the outcome, there is no penalty for using the Policy and Procedure in good faith.  Therefore, Imperial encourages students and staff to raise concerns as soon as possible in confidence and without prejudice.


How to raise a concern

You should arrange to discuss the concern you have noticed with your Personal Tutor (if you are a student) or line manager (if you are a member of staff).   Alternatively, you may raise your concern directly with one of the Local Advisers in your Faculty/Division (see below).  They will be able to advise whether more information is needed or on what to do next if they agree that the concern may be legitimate.
Imperial will treat all disclosures made in accordance with these procedures in a sensitive manner.  Please see the note below on confidentiality.
Please always read the Referral of Concerns Policy and Procedure before contacting your Local Adviser.

If you have noticed behaviour linked to an individual or individuals which might indicate a Prevent-related concern, you should raise this as soon as possible in accordance with the Policy.  This might result in:

  • confirmation that there could be a Prevent concern; or
  • clarification that there is a welfare concern not related to Prevent; or
  • clarification that there is no concern.


Referral of Concerns Policy and Procedure


Policy Statement

Imperial College London has a duty of care to its students, staff and visitors.  An important aspect of this involves supporting vulnerable individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation.

This is a legal duty under s. 26(i) of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (CTSA) 2015 known as the ‘Prevent duty’ in which all members of College share. 

Therefore, in order to perform this duty, the College requires that all staff and students who develop concerns about a member of College (or a visitor) seek advice promptly and in confidence as explained in the procedure below.