How to write your reference list and bibliography in the Harvard style
Your lecturers consider accurate and consistent referencing to be an important part of your academic work. Check your course guidelines so you know which referencing style to use.
If you are using the bibliographic software, RefWorks, you should use the 'Imperial College London - Harvard' style which follows the same format as this guide.
The following examples are in two parts:
- the information you should collect about each piece of work you use
- how this information is presented when you write a full reference
In general, if no author is provided or the author is unknown, begin with the title, followed by the year.
Click on the type of work you need to provide a reference for. If you cannot find the type of work you need, please contact your librarian for more help.
Frequently cited references
- Book: accessed on an e-book reader
- Book: chapter in an edited book
- Book: in a foreign language
- Book: online / electronic
- Book: print
- Book: translated
- Journal article: online / electronic
- Journal article: postprint / in press
- Journal article: preprint
- Journal article: print
- Report
- Web page / website
Book: accessed on an e-book reader
Book: chapter in an edited book
Book: in a foreign language
Book: online / electronic
Book: print
Book: translated
Journal article: online / electronic
Journal article: postprint / in press
Journal article: preprint
Journal article: print
Web page / website
Acts of Parliament
Annual report: online
Annual report: print
- Blog post
- Book: accessed on an e-book reader
- Book: chapter in an edited book
- Book: in a foreign language
- Book: online / electronic
- Book: print
- Book: translated
- Brochure / pamphlet / booklet
Blog post
Book: accessed on an e-book reader
Book: chapter in an edited book
Book: in a foreign language
Book: online / electronic
Book: print
Book: translated
Brochure / pamphlet / booklet
- Command papers and other official publications [excluding Acts of Parliament]
- Computer program, software or code
- Conference proceeding: individual paper
- Conference proceeding: whole
Command papers and other official publications [excluding Acts of Parliament]
Computer program, software or code
Conference proceeding: individual paper
Conference proceeding: whole
Email: personal communication
Email: public communication
Equipment operating manual
- Film
- Financial data from an online database (for share price or financial instrument figures)
- Financial report from an online database (for company financial accounts, e.g. profit and loss account)
- Foreign language sources
Financial data from an online database (for share price or financial instrument figures)
Financial report from an online database (for company financial accounts, e.g. profit and loss account)
Foreign language sources
Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT
GIS software or data
- Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published in a book
- Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published in a journal
- Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published using software such as BioRender
- Images from the internet
- Interview: personal
Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published in a book
Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published in a journal
Image / illustration / figure / diagram / table / photograph published using software such as BioRender
Images from the internet
Interview: personal
- Journal article: online / electronic
- Journal article: postprint / in press
- Journal article: preprint
- Journal article: print
Journal article: online / electronic
Journal article: postprint / in press
Journal article: preprint
Journal article: print
Lecture / presentation
- Map: online
- Map: print
- Market survey report: online / electronic
- Market survey report: print
- Mobile app
Map: online
Map: print
Market survey report: online / electronic
Market survey report: print
Mobile app
Newspaper article: online
Newspaper article: print
Online documents and publications (not covered by other examples in this list)
- Patent
- Patient information leaflets
- Personal communication
- Photograph: online (not in a published work)
- Podcast
Patient information leaflets
Personal communication
Photograph: online (not in a published work)
- Television programme / broadcast
- Television programme / broadcast: episode in a series
- Television programme / broadcast: online
- Thesis (final written work by PhD postgraduate students, dissertations, project reports, discourses and essays by any student)
- Tweet
Television programme / broadcast
Television programme / broadcast: episode in a series
Television programme / broadcast: online
Thesis (final written work by PhD postgraduate students, dissertations, project reports, discourses and essays by any student)
Web page / website