It is not possible to use EndNote’s Cite While You Write functionality with LaTeX/BibTeX. However it is possible to use the reference management features of EndNote and then export a reference list in BibTeX format.

BibTeX (Imperial College) input filter – an improved filter to import BibTeX files (allows for more variation in data structure than official BibTeX filter). Place file in the Filters sub-folder in the Endnote program files. Imported records should be checked for accuracy. To download the input filter click here. In the zip file just look for the filter file: BibTex (Imperial College).enf

BibTeX Export (Imperial College) output style – an improved output style to export EndNote records in a BibTeX format (additionally exports contents of Notes field to BibTeX note= field). Place file in the Styles sub-folder in the Endnote program files. To download the output style click here. In the zip file just look for the style file: BibTeXExport (Imperial College).ens

For more information on reference management for LaTeX users please also see our BibTeX for LaTeX webpage.