Business & Economic resources

Bloomberg contains current and historical financial information on individual equities, stock market indices, fixed-income securities, currencies, commodities, and futures.

Business Green
News and in-depth analysis of green business and environmental issues including industry-leading analysis, interviews with green business leaders and politicians, policy and technology briefings and white papers.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) (SharePoint space requiring College username and password)
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) climate change corporate response dataset contains comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data from companies publicly disclosing their environmental information to CDP. It includes over 100 questions covering topics such as climate risks, low-carbon opportunities, emissions management, and governance and strategy around climate change. The dataset also includes sector-specific modules, full alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and improved alignment with other reporting frameworks, and an emphasis on forward-looking metrics. Further information on the CDP data.

EBSCOhost Business Source Ultimate

  • Academic journal articles: major source
  • Company Profiles: International Datamonitor Profiles from the world's largest companies
  • Country Reports: Including economic competitiveness reports, political risk yearbooks and emerging markets monitor
  • Market Research Reports: market research handbooks and Datamonitor Marketwatch reports
  • Industry Profiles: Country and geographic areas analyses, including market forecast data and reports from the EIU covering key industries
  • SWOT analyses from Gartner Inc, working papers, case studies and analyst and executive interviews

Economic academic literature database with full-text access, including country studies, econometrics, economic forecasting, labour economics and monetary theory.

Economist Intelligence Unit reports
The Economist Intelligence Unit is the research and analysis division of the Economist Group, providing forecasting and advisory services through research and analysis, such as monthly country reports, five-year country economic forecasts, country risk service reports, and industry reports. Imperial College London subscribes to EIU reports on the following countries: China; France; Germany; Italy; India; Poland; Greece; Spain; the United Kingdom; and the United States of America.

Provides access to 3,500 newspapers, 4,200 journals and magazines, up to 700 updated newswires (Dow Jones, Reuters, etc.), 25 million company profiles, industry profiles, quotes and charting for stocks, funds, markets, indices and currencies and the EUR-Lex Database. Library subscription does not include access to the Factiva app.

Financial Times online (
Imperial has access to a premium subscription to the Financial Times online

MarketLine Advantage
MarketLine Advantage is a leading source of market research information. It contains company, country and industry intelligence, with research and data extending across every major marketplace in the world.

MSCI Climate Change Metrics
MSCI Climate Change Metrics is designed to help investors and researchers understand companies’ exposure to risks associated with climate change.  It includes more than 500 data points across eight datasets: 1) Carbon emissions; 2) Power generation; 3) Fossil fuel exposure; 4) Clean-tech exposure; 5) Risk exposure and forward-looking risk management assessment; 6) Low carbon transition risk assessment; 7) Carbon for Sovereigns; and 8) Carbon emissions estimation for private companies with low disclosure.  N.B.: The flat files of this dataset can be opened in Excel by changing the file type to 'All Files' and then delimiting with character.  The dataset is updated monthly.’

Passport and Passport Industrial (Euromonitor)
Euromonitor International intelligence and analysis on industries, countries, and consumers. Contains 3 million economic and demographic statistics, 1 million consumer lifestyle statistics and 17,000 market, company and country reports. The Passport: Industrial section also provides analysis of the industrial makeup of the world’s 18 largest economies. Each economy is split into 177 industries with cross-country and cross-industry comparable statistics.

Responsible Investor
Delivers news, market analysis and data examining ESG and sustainability across financial markets. Registration required.

Sustainalytics Global Access
Sustainalytics Global provides ESG data on the sustainability of listed companies based on their environmental, social and corporate governance performance. It covers 4,500 companies and all major global indices

Additional business and economics resources