OpenAthens is the system which provides access to resources commissioned by the NHS, including journals, databases and BMJ Best Practice. On registration, users receive a username and password giving access to resources both on and off-site, at any time.
All NHS staff and Imperial undergraduate medicine students are entitled to an OpenAthens account. For a full list of authorised users see the NICE web page on OpenAthens eligibility.
Videos and tutorials
Registering for OpenAthens
How to register for your OpenAthens account for medical students and NHS staff
If you are a medical student at Imperial College London or employed by the NHS, you are entitled to an OpenAthens account for accessing electronic resources. This video will show you how to register.
NHS OpenAthens: changing your password / email address
How to change the password and email on your OpenAthens account
This tutorial demonstrates how to change the password and email on your OpenAthens account
NHS OpenAthens: Changing your organisation
How to change your home organization in your OpenAthens account
Demonstrates how to change your home organization in your OpenAthens account