OpenAthens is the system which provides access to resources commissioned by the NHS, including journals, databases and BMJ Best Practice. On registration, users receive a username and password giving access to resources both on and off-site, at any time.

All NHS staff and Imperial undergraduate medicine students are entitled to an OpenAthens account. For a full list of authorised users see the NICE web page on OpenAthens eligibility.


All NHS staff members are eligible for access to NHS commissioned resources via OpenAthens, including clinical databases, full-text journal access and e-books.

How to register

Registration is via a two-step self-registration process:

1. Complete the online registration form If you access the page from an NHS Trust computer and provide an NHS email address your account may be eligible for use immediately.  If you register elsewhere or using a personal email address your application will need to be approved by an administrator.  This will generally be done within a few working days.

2. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email containing an activation link. Click this link to set up your password, agree to the OpenAthens Terms & Conditions and activate your account. 

Transferring your account from another organisation

If you have moved trust within the NHS and have an existing OpenAthens account you can transfer it to your new trust. To do so log in to your OpenAthens account, click “Change organisation” and update your details.


If you have problems accessing your OpenAthens account please contact your NHS Support Librarian or email 

Imperial College London medical students on NHS-commissioned courses are eligible for an OpenAthens account for the duration of their course. Your course must include a placement with an NHS provider.

How to register

Most undergraduate students will be automatically registered at the start of their course.

You will receive an email containing an activation hyperlink. Click on this link to set up your own password, agree to the OpenAthens Terms & Conditions and activate your account. 


If you have problems accessing your OpenAthens account please email or ASK the Library

Videos and tutorials

Registering for OpenAthens

If you are a medical student at Imperial College London or employed by the NHS, you are entitled to an OpenAthens account for accessing electronic resources. This video will show you how to register.

Registering for OpenAthens

Registering for OpenAthens

How to register for your OpenAthens account for medical students and NHS staff

If you are a medical student at Imperial College London or employed by the NHS, you are entitled to an OpenAthens account for accessing electronic resources. This video will show you how to register.

NHS OpenAthens: changing your password / email address

NHS OpenAthens: changing your password / email address

How to change the password and email on your OpenAthens account

This tutorial demonstrates how to change the password and email on your OpenAthens account

NHS OpenAthens: Changing your organisation

NHS OpenAthens: Changing your organisation

How to change your home organization in your OpenAthens account

Demonstrates how to change your home organization in your OpenAthens account