Science Communication databases

Key resources

Factiva aggregates news content from national and local newspapers internationally, as well as magazines, trade publications, business newswires and media transcripts. It provides access to 3,500 newspapers, 4,200 journals and magazines and up to 700 newswires (Dow Jones, Reuters etc). It also provides company reports. The Library subscription does not include the Factiva app. Library subscription does not include access to the Factiva app.

Web of Science
A multidisciplinary bibliographic database which indexes over 9,000 international journals, updated weekly with full-text content where available. It includes:

  • Arts and Humanities Citation Index which covers 1,160 of the world’s leading arts and humanities journals
  • SciELO Citation Index (1997 onwards) scholarly open access literature in the areas of science, social sciences, arts and humanities from Latin America, Portugal, Spain and South America

Scopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and indexing database providing access to research literature, mainly academic journals. Subject areas include eg. history, the arts, architecture, language, philosophy, human society, politics and policy. Since 2008 Scopus has doubled its arts and humanities titles.

Electronic journal collections 

Cambridge Journals Online
This contains journals covering the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Subject areas include cultural studies, history, history and philosophy of science, language and linguistics, literary studies, philosophy and social studies.

JSTOR Archival Journals
Access to full-text articles from more than 2,800 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Journals span continents and languages, with titles from 1,200 publishers from 57 countries. Many core humanities research journals are included.

Open Library of Humanities 
Open Access humanities academic journals 

Oxford Journals
This is a multidisciplinary collection of journals in science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.

Sage Social Sciences and Humanities Journals
Subjects covered include Communication & media studies, Cultural studies, Gender studies, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Research methods etc.

An interdisciplinary journal collection covering material in the humanities, history of science, science, social sciences and statistics. 

Taylor and Francis Humanities Journals
Subjects covered include Cultural studies, Media & film studies (Media & communications, Journalism & Professional media, Broadcast media), Philosophy etc.

Taylor and Francis Social Sciences Journals
Subjects covered include Sociology of media, Social theory, Social policy, Sociology of Science & Technology, Politics & international relations etc.

You can also browse key Science Communication e-journals

Online collections

ACLS Humanities e-book collection
Provides access to a large collection of humanities ebooks which are available to download. Subject areas include Art History, Communication, European History, Film and Media, Literature, Music, Philosophy.

BFI Player
1000s of films from the British Film Institute and archive partners.

Box of Broadcasts
BoB provides on demand TV and radio services for UK education; staff and students can record programmes from over 65 channels and search the extensive archive. Content from nine core channels is automatically recorded.

Brill Online Books and Journals
Provides full text of around 300,000 scholarly book chapters and journal articles, covering humanities, international law and biology.

British newspaper archives from the British Library


Cambridge Core ebooks
Nearly 2,600 ebooks covering History, Philosophy, Politics etc

The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible quality-controlled academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.

Open Book Publishers
Open Access humanities and social science academic books which can be read online, downloaded, reused or embedded for teaching.

Oxford Reference Online 
Online resource which brings together full-text language and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. The Premium collection contains over 175 dictionary, language reference, quotations and subject reference works, with a range of titles covering eg media studies, philosophy, science and technology. It is fully indexed and cross-searchable.  It includes the Oxford Dictionary of English

Project Gutenberg
The site holds over 25,000 electronic books, mostly consisting of literary works that are available in the public domain. The site also includes digitised sheet music, audio electronic books and texts in 32 different languages.

Springer ebook collection
Humanities ebook collection covering subjects such as History, Literature, Cultural and Media Studies. Our access includes 2019 and 2020 ebooks, with new titles being added throughout the year. All are available for immediate download. 
To access, click on the Log in tab at the top of the page and select Log in via Shibboleth. Select Imperial College London from the drop down list of institutions.

Very Short Introductions 
Includes books on archaeology, architecture, art, classical studies, history, linguistics, literature, media studies, music, performing arts, philosophy, religion and society and culture.