Staff and students on placement from the following organisations may join the Library:
- Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- West London NHS Trust
- West London GP Federation
- Imperial College Health Partners (trial membership, maximum 5 ICHP staff)
How to register
You may register at the library of your choice. This will be your home library but you can use all of Imperial's libraries.
Complete the online library membership application form. When you register you will receive an email with instructions on how to collect your library card. Show your NHS Trust ID card when visiting the library for the first time. Proof of current status (NHS contract, letter of appointment) may also be required.
- NHS staff without honorary contracts at Imperial College London are registered as NHS borrowers
- NHS staff with honorary contracts at Imperial College London are registered as Imperial staff
- NHS students on placement for more than 8 weeks are registered as NHS placement students for one year or less depending on the placement end date
- NHS staff and students on placement for less than 8 weeks are registered as reference users
Use of online resources
To use Imperial e-journals, e-books and databases, we will issue you with a library username and password when you register. Using this, you can access resources either on PCs located in the library, or by using Imperial College London's Wi-Fi network (Imperial-WPA) on your own device.
You may borrow:
- NHS staff - 20 items for 3 weeks
- NHS placement students - 5 items for 1 week
When you have selected the items you wish to borrow, take them to the desk or use one of our self-service machines.
We will automatically renew your items for up to 12 months before they must be returned for re-issue, unless they have been requested.
If an item is recalled, you will need to return it by the due date. Library Services charge fines on overdue recalled items.
You can return items to any Imperial library.
Sign in to Library Search to request an item which is out on loan or at another campus. We will email you when it is available for collection. You can request a maximum of 10 items at one time.
Reference users
Staff from the following organisations that are not specified in the agreement are registered as NHS reference users:
- Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- London Ambulance Service NHS Trust
- London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
- Migrants Organise
- North West London ICS
- The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust
Social Services staff employed by local authorities in North West London are also entitled to reference access on request.