Non-SCONUL and overseas universities
PhD students and academic staff
PhD students and academic staff from institutions not participating in SCONUL Access or from overseas institutions can be granted reference access to the Abdus Salam Library only for up to 1 year.
How to register
Fill out the online library membership application form selecting 'Member of the public'. Then visit the Welcome Desk in the Abdus Salam Library and provide:
- a current ID card from your institution - if your ID card does not include your photo, you must bring additional photographic ID
- if your ID has no expiry date we require an official letter from your university with an expiry date
- a current email address at your home institution's domain (not gmail, etc.)
Undergraduates and taught postgraduate students
Undergraduates and taught postgraduates from non-SCONUL and overseas institutions may only apply for temporary reference access to the Abdus Salam Library during the summer vacation. See Term dates.
How to register
Fill out the online library membership application form selecting ‘Member of the public’. Then visit the Welcome Desk in the Abdus Salam Library and provide:
- a current ID card from your institution - if your ID card does not include your photo, you must bring additional photographic ID
- if your ID has no expiry date we require an official letter from your university with an expiry date
- a current email address at your home institution's domain (not gmail, etc.)
Using online resources
Your access to online resources is limited only to those permitted by the terms of our licences and only available within the Library. Their use is strictly for non-commercial purposes and you must adhere to licence restrictions.
Imperial is a member of eduroam.