Temporary prayer rooms during Ramadan
Library Services have been working with the Imperial Student Union and Islamic Society to create extra provision for Muslim Prayers during Ramadan 2025.
We are pleased to announce that two temporary prayer rooms are now available on level 4 of the Abdus Salam Library in the Group Study space.
Opening times are 11.00 to 20.00 from Friday 28 February to Sunday 30 March. Access is via swipecard.
Following this period these rooms will be developed as library spaces and will not be available for prayers.
Please leave the space in good order. Respecting this space will help support future initiatives.
Library prayer rooms frequently asked questions
How many prayer rooms are there?
There are two prayer rooms, one for Brothers and one for Sisters.
Where are the prayer rooms?
They are rooms 407 and 407B on level 4 of the Abdus Salam Library in the Group Study space. There is clear signposting.
When are the rooms open?
The rooms are open 11.00 - 20.00 from Friday 28 February until Sunday 30 March.
Following this period they will be redeveloped as library spaces.
What are the access arrangements?
Access is via swipecard.
Where do I leave my belongings?
Please place shoes, bags and coats neatly inside the room (shoe racks and hangers are provided).
Is there a bathroom nearby?
Male, female and accessible bathroom facilities are available on level 4 to the right of the prayer rooms. Please use the mop provided to keep the facilities in good order.
Are prayer mats provided?
Prayer mats are available in the rooms.
How do I report a problem?
The quickest way to get help when using the prayer rooms is to Text an Attendant on 07725 159853.
Alternatively you can use another method to Contact us.
What will the rooms be used for after this period?
Following a recent user feedback exercise, library staff are considering a variety of uses for these spaces.
Will there be other prayer rooms in the library?
Library staff are aware of the need for prayer facilities and will consider this when redeveloping library spaces.
How can I give feedback about the prayer rooms?
We welcome your feedback on these and all our facilities, please send your comments to us using our feedback form.