Updated Tuesday 20 July 2021

During the pandemic, activities on campus will continue to be focussed at research, education and the student experience and these will remain a high priority. From 19 July there will be a gradual return to campus for other activities and events.

COVID risk or Government tiers/restrictionsEvents activities permitted
No pandemic College returns to normal activity and normal H&S policy and arrangements apply.
No restrictions – pandemic being managed Capacity at College exceeds requirements for student experience, education and research on campus. Other activities return to campus. Gradual return of all events. Adherence to College COVID safety policy and arrangements required.

From 19 July 2021

No restrictions – pandemic not fully controlled

High COVID positive case rates in the community

In-person events can be held indoors & outdoors in COVID secure areas in line with local arrangements and risk assessments. Only events that do not impact on capacity required for teaching, research and student experience are allowed. Awaydays and in person meetings can resume on campus. Adherence to College COVID safety policy and arrangements required.
From 17 May 2021 In-person events can be held indoors and outdoors at 50% venue capacity. Only events that do not impact on capacity required for teaching, research and student experience are allowed. Event organisers must ensure in particular: 

  • tables are spaced out to ensure 2m social distancing is in place or 1m with barriers between tables
  • attendees are in groups of no more than six people, or two households, and do not mix with any other groups at the event
  • seating is assigned and carefully controlled to ensure attendees do not mix with any other table, including approaching other tables or sitting at different tables
  • food and drink is consumed by attendees while they are seated
  • attendees wear face coverings whenever not seated at their table.
From 12 April 2021 No in-person events held indoors and up to max 6 delegates in outside events but only if this does not impact capacity reserved for teaching, student experience and research. Continue with online events wherever practical. No away days. Exceptional events can take place subject to approval. Essential visitors only. 
Lockdown No in-person events and continue with online events wherever practical. Essential visitors only. No away days.
Download a pdf version of the events returning to campus framework
Summary of the table's contents

Please note that the dates cited here reflect the Government road map at the time of developing the framework and may be subject to change.

Key points:

  1. This framework is applicable to all College campuses throughout the academic year, including holiday periods.
  2. In all cases a risk assessment specific to the event must be undertaken, which considers the space, the activity, attendees, hospitality provisions and COVID secure requirements.
  3. During the phased return of events, priorities will be defined and approved by local teams. Cumulative risks when several events are happening should be considered as part of the approval system.
  4. Please note that the College has flexibility for the number of participants in business and educational events in line with government guidance, however the framework aims to limit the number of people on site during the restrictions so research, education and the student experience are not adversely impacted. Exceptional events are not restricted to a maximum of six participants as they will be subject to a separate justification and approval system.