Dealing with spillages of infectious materials:

The procedures below describe how to respond to the various spillage incidences that can occur when working at Containment Level (CL) 2 or CL3. Where details will differ depending on the laboratory, this has been identified in [brackets]. In all cases, spillages and accidents of any kind must be reported to those in charge of the laboratory (including lab manager and Principal Investigator, the Faculty Safety Manager or Adviser and the Safety Department BioTeam immediately after the incident. If exposure is suspected under any circumstances then Occupational Health must also be contacted as soon as possible.

Hazard Group 2/Class 2 Cultures

Containment Level 2

  1. Remove any contaminated clothing/PPE and leave it in the lab. Leave the lab or immediate vicinity of the spill [depending on the risk assessment] and go to the nearest hand wash sink (which should be near the lab exit). Ensure that any other lab users know what's happened and instruct them to leave the area as well.
  2. The contaminated area must be washed under running water for 10 minutes. Soap must also be used to assist removal of contamination for all areas except the eyes.
  3. If infectious material was, or could have been, spilt within the laboratory then ensure that nobody else will be able to get near the spillage, or within the laboratory  [depending on the risk assessment] by erecting the appropriate no-entry sign (found in [insert where found]) and by informing other lab users. Then deal with the spill as described for spillage outside of the safety cabinet.
  4. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and report the incident on Salus.

Small spillages of ≤10ml1

  1. Check carefully for any contamination of lab coat, gloves or skin.  If you think clothing or skin may be contaminated then respond as for personal contamination.
  2. Place absorbent tissue soaked in [disinfectant name and concentration] over the spill and leave for 30 minutes [amend contact time if necessary].
  3. Change gloves before continuation of work.
  4. After 30 minutes [amend time if necessary] discard the tissue and wipe over the area concerned with a fresh tissue soaked in [disinfectant name and concentration].
  5. For small spillages of ≤10 ml the cabinet can be reused after this time, or fumigated if deemed necessary eg if you are unsure that access to all contaminated areas was possible.
  6. After 30 minutes [amend time if necessary] discard the tissue and wipe over the area concerned with a fresh tissue soaked in [disinfectant name and concentration].
  7. The cabinet can be reused after this time, or fumigated if deemed necessary e.g. if you are unsure that access to all contaminated areas was possible.
  8. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator.  Report the incident on Salus.

Large spillages of ≥10ml1

  1. Check carefully for any contamination of lab coat, gloves or skin.  If you think clothing or skin may be contaminated then respond as for personal contamination.
  2. Leave the cabinet running for an hour and place a notice on the front of the cabinet to ensure that nobody else uses the cabinet.
  3. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator.  Report the incident on Salus.
  4. The spillage will then either be treated as for a small spill in a cabinet, or fumigated.  If fumigating, the spillage will still require cleaning up and chemical disinfection using [disinfectant name and concentration] and a contact time of 30 minutes [amend contact time if necessary].

Precise procedures to be followed in the event of a spillage at CL2 must be identified by risk assessment.  The general priciples to follow are;

  1. Distance yourself and others from the area of the spillage to minimise exposure potential.
  2. Remove contaminated PPE, and any contaminated clothing (check shoes, trousers etc for splashes). Leave this clothing in the lab.
  3. Vacate the area and ensure that as quickly as possible. Ensure that any other lab users know what's happened and instruct them to leave the area as well.
  4. Wash hands and any contaminated areas with soap and water before leaving the lab. If contamination is suspected elsewhere on the person then the area affected must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water.
  5. Ensure that nobody will enter the lab or area by erecting the appropriate no-entry sign.
  6. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and report the incident on Salus.
  1. If when using a centrifuge to spin infectious, or potentially infectious materials, excess vibration or noise is noticed then do not open the lid for at least 30 minutes. Similarly, if when the lid is opened (even in the absence of undue noise or vibration) excess condensation or other obvious signs of a spill are present in the chamber, close the lid and leave for 30 minutes. If it is clear that the sealed lid on the bucket has not been damaged and that the spillage has been contained then the rotor or bucket can simply be taken to a safety cabinet and disinfected in there. The following procedure therefore only applies if there has been a spillage outside of the sealed rotor or bucket.
  2. Ensure that other lab users are informed of the incident and are prevented from opening the centrifuge.
  3. After that time, switch the centrifuge off at the socket and open the lid and spray [disinfectant name and concentration] into the chamber. Sufficient disinfectant must be used in order to swamp the area, covering all parts of the chamber and rotor.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Return and remove all material and treat and dispose of as clinical waste.
  6. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and report the incident on Salus.

Containment Level 3

Accordion widget 2

  1. Remove any contaminated clothing/PPE and leave it in the lab. Leave the lab immediately. Ensure that any other occupants leave the room at the same time.
  2. In the lobby, the contaminated area must be washed under running water for 10 minutes. Soap must also be used to assist removal of contamination for all areas except the eyes.
  3. A disposable lab coat is kept within the lobby for individuals to wear as necessary while an assessment of the situation is made.
  4. Ensure that nobody else will go inside the CL3 by erecting the appropriate no-entry sign (found in [insert where found]) and informing other lab users.
  5. Do not re-enter the laboratory until the incident has been discussed with at least the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam.  Report the incident on Salus.

Small spillages of ≤10ml1

  1. Check carefully for any contamination of lab coat, gloves or skin. If none is suspected then you DO NOT need to evacuate the lab. If you think clothing or skin may be contaminated then respond as for personal contamination.
  2. Place absorbent tissue soaked in [disinfectant name and concentration] over the spill and leave for 30 minutes [amend contact time if necessary].
  3. Change gloves before continuation of work.
  4. After 30 minutes [amend time if necessary] discard the tissue and wipe over the area concerned with a fresh tissue soaked in [disinfectant name and concentration].
  5. For small spillages of ≤10 ml the cabinet can be reused after this time, or fumigated if deemed necessary eg if you are unsure that access to all contaminated areas was possible.

Large spillages of ≥10ml1

  1. Check carefully for any contamination of lab coat, gloves or skin. If none is suspected then you DO NOT need to evacuate the lab. If you think clothing or skin may be contaminated then respond as for personal contamination.
  2. The cabinet will require fumigation (SOP for fumigation is detailed in [provide cross reference eg in Suite Manual]). Leave the cabinet running for an hour whilst preparing for the fumigation. Place a notice on the front of the cabinet to ensure that nobody else uses the cabinet.
  3. Inform at least the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the College BioSafety Team of the incident.
  4. Following fumigation, the spillage will still require cleaning up and chemical disinfection using [disinfectant name and concentration] and a contact time of 30 minutes [amend contact time if necessary].

[1] If this threshold amount differs from 10ml within your CoP then defer to what is already stipulated therein

Note: This procedure applies only if the personal protective clothing contaminated is fully within the confines of the safety cabinet e.g. on the sleeve of a laboratory gown.

  1. Spray the site of the spill liberally with [disinfectant name and concentration]. Note that laboratory disinfectants should not be sprayed liberally on skin. If contamination of skin is suspected then the area should be washed with soap and water immediately in the lobby as described above for personal contamination.
  2. Remove the contaminated PPE whist keeping the site of contamination within the cabinet.
  3. Place the PPE within the safety cabinet.
  4. Vacate the room yourself and check carefully for any contamination of your person in the lobby. If in doubt wash the area with soap and water. In all cases, wash hands as per normal on the way out. It may not be necessary to evacuate other users as well as long as you are confident that there has been no release outside of the safety cabinet. Always tell your colleagues what has happened though.
  5. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and agree on the best way to proceed.

Note: If an incident occurs where infectious material is ejected outside of the confines of the cabinet but within the immediate vicinity of the cabinet individuals should use their own personal judgment based on analysis of the nature of the incident, material involved, distance from the cabinet and ease of removal of PPE on whether to follow the procedure described in this section or whether to follow the procedure described for a spillage outside of the safety cabinet. For example, if a single colony contained on a pea-sized or less piece of agar is ejected onto an individual’s torso or forearm, then in such circumstances the individual should do the following;

  1. Press yourself and the area of contamination forward into the cabinet.
  2. Spray the area liberally with [disinfectant name and concentration]. Note that disinfectants should not be sprayed liberally on skin. If contamination of skin is suspected then the area should be washed with soap and water immediately in the lobby as described above.
  3. Inform other occupants and tell them to vacate the room (unless you require assistance from them).
  4. Remove the contaminated PPE keeping the site of contamination/ppe within the cabinet.
  5. Place the PPE with the safety cabinet.
  6. Vacate the room yourself and check carefully for any contamination of your person in the lobby. If in doubt wash the area with soap and water. In all cases, wash hands as per normal on the way out.
  7. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and agree on the best way to proceed.

Note: Assistance may be required to keep the contaminated area inside the confines of the cabinet.

If it is not possible to keep the contaminated area inside the cabinet then act as detailed for personal contamination, in other words, remove the contaminated clothing/PPE and evacuate the lab immediately.

  1. Inform other occupants.
  2. Distance yourself and others from the area of the spillage to minimise the possibility of breathing aerosols.
  3. Remove contaminated PPE, and any contaminated clothing (check shoes, trousers etc for splashes). Leave this clothing in the lab.
  4. Vacate the lab as quickly as possible.
  5. Wash hands and any contaminated areas with soap and water in the lobby. If contamination is suspected elsewhere on the person then the area affected must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water.
  6. A disposable lab coat is kept within the lobby for individuals to wear as necessary while an assessment of the situation is made.
  7. Ensure that nobody will enter the CL3 by erecting the appropriate no-entry sign (found in [insert where found]).
  8. Inform the Lab Manager or Principal Investigator and the Safety Department BioTeam and agree on the best way to proceed.
  1. If when using a centrifuge to spin infectious, or potentially infectious materials, excess vibration or noise is noticed then notify other lab users, turn off the centrifuge and do not open the lid for at least 30 minutes. Similarly, if when the lid is opened (even in the absence of undue noise or vibration) excess condensation or other obvious signs of a spill are present in the chamber, close the lid, leave the lab and do not return for at least 30 minutes. If it is clear that the sealed lid on the bucket has not been damaged and that the spillage has been contained then the rotor or bucket can simply be taken to a safety cabinet and disinfected in there. The following procedure therefore only applies if there has been a spillage outside of the sealed rotor or bucket.
  2. Ensure that other lab users are informed of the incident and are prevented from opening the centrifuge.
  3. After that time, switch the centrifuge off at the socket and open the lid and spray [disinfectant name and concentration] into the chamber. Sufficient disinfectant must be used in order to swamp the area, covering all parts of the chamber and rotor.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Return and remove all material and treat and dispose of as clinical waste.