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The composition of Council is determined by the College's Statutes.

There are between 19 and 27 members of the Council, the majority of whom are independent members, including the Chair and Deputy Chair. Also included in its membership are representatives of the staff of The University and of the student body. None of the independent members receive any payment, apart from the reimbursement of expenses, for the work they do for the University.

Council consists of the following persons:

  • The Chair
  • The President ex officio
  • The Provost ex officio
  • The Chief Operating Officer ex officio
  • 4 Deans chosen to reflect the breadth of disciplines and executive responsibility within the University
  • 1 Elected Member, elected by and from among the academic staff
  • 3 Staff Members, 1 being academic and 2 being from professional services
  • At least 8 and not more than 13 External Members, co-opted by the Council
  • The President of the Imperial University Union ex officio
  • 1 ICU Representative 

Procedures for the appointment, election and co-option of members of the Council, including procedures for the filling of casual vacancies, are prescribed by Ordinance.

Independent members  are appointed for a term of four years and are eligible for re-appointment except that members shall not normally be appointed for more than two consecutive terms.