A supportive community of professional services talent.

The PA & Administrator Network offers development, support and networking opportunities for all staff who perform a PA or administrative function as part of their role. Job titles may vary from Executive Assistant (EA) and Personal Assistant (PA) to Office Manager or Administrator, amongst others!

These staff members perform vital roles within Imperial and can experience isolation within their local work environment. The networking group aims to rectify this by providing access to tailored development opportunities and sharing experiences with like-minded colleagues.

To support this initiative, a dedicated PAAN MS Teams site has been set up for all members to use as a platform to communicate, collaborate, and interact, exchange knowledge and professional experiences, or advertise training and vacancies.
These interactions are guided by the PAAN digital communication etiquette, which is aligned with Imperial values. This ensures the network has a vibrant and engaged group that works for everyone.

what we do

Who we are
  • Established in 2008 with support from People and Organisational Development (POD), run by a small group of committee volunteers
  • Currently, ~500 members from Departments across Imperial sites, comprising a range of job roles, levels, expertise and experience
  • 90% women, 28% BAME, 10% recorded disability (@ FEB 2023)
  • Supported centrally via EDIC Director of HR and Deputy Director (Organisational Development and Inclusion) de facto Executive Sponsors