Whilst you are travelling yellow graphic banner

Level of incident

Widespread crisis

This covers situations falling under the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office definition of crisis:

1.    Incident involving large numbers of British nationals that have been killed or injured i.e. terrorist attacks, major transport incidents, major pandemics and natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis.

2.    Civil or political unrest which causes you to leave the country.

3.    Events which cause disruption and hardship to large numbers of British nationals such as volcanic ash, collapse of travel companies and major airport shutdowns.


Follow steps as relevant and available.

1. For emergenices requiring immediate assistance, call emergency services in your host country if available.  Ensure help is on the way.

2. Control the incident and treat casualties.

3. Refer to your OWERP (Off-site Work Emergency Response Plan) and follow the specific plans for your activity.  Follow guidance provided by officials from the British embassy or Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

4. When safe to do so, call local support.  Tell them where you are, when the incident occurred, what happened, what is still happening, what you are doing about it and what help you need.

5. Call the Imperial College contact (e.g. Principal Investigator, Off-site coordinator, line manager).  Failing this call College Security's 24/7 help number +44 (0)20 7589 1000.

6. For travel insurance and/or travel security advice whilst you are abroad, contact the College Insurer AIG on +44 (0) 1273 456 463 quoting policy number 0010016145.  

7. Contact your family as soon as practical and safe to do so.

8.  Report incident on SALUS (see Report an incident) as soon as practical.