Below is an example of receipts that do not show the required information for a successful reimbursement and also a set of receipts that do match the required criteria.

Date of purchase not shown; date of travel not shown; no start point or destination indicated

taxi recepit

taxi recepit

Vendor name not shown

paper recepit

paper recepit

Itemised list and unit price of purchased items not shown; credit card receipt only

paper hotel recepit

paper recepit

Total amount not shown or not visible; VAT registration number not shown or not visible

paper recepit

paper recepit

Bank statement and travel itinerary; no receipt or invoice with details and prices of goods or services purchased

paper recepit

bank statement

Visa for business travel abroad: proof of payment only; no invoice or receipt with the name the person the visa has been issued to

paper recepit

paper recepit

Receipt not legible; quality is inadequate

paper recepit

paper recepit