south ken tower reflected in library building

This page provides a summary of the management information and sector benchmarking that Strategic Planning produce.

This page contains links to the main sources of management information (MI) produced by Strategic Planning.  

This MI highlights data from other areas across Imperial, and the Strategic Planning team works with colleagues to ensure reporting is aligned and complementary.  

In MI – Overview you will find a high-level view of Imperial’s key stats. Imperial In Numbers highlights data across Research, Enterprise, Students and Staff and is available to the Imperial community only. The Statistics Guide has been published for over 20 years, and is available to external audiences.  

In MI – Insights there are links to dashboards more focused on a particular area of activity. These are available to the Imperial community for interest and awareness. 

In Sector Rankings & Publications the Imperial community will have access to dashboards that show our performance in the sector rankings and publications listed. 

There are many teams across Imperial producing further reporting in their areas of responsibility. To find out more about these teams and their reporting, please visit the Dashboard Hub 

If you have any questions about this page, or think there is something missing, please get in touch with the team as we continue to build and improve reporting.