This page shows the NSS 2014 College results and Sector results for the Department of Mathematics.

Tabbed information block

College results

NSS 2014 Question categories graph - Mathematics Percentage Agree This graph shows the NSS results for the Department of Mathematics in the main question categories for the years 2011-2014.





NSS 2014 Question category results graph - Mathematics stacked bar chart

This graph shows the results for the department in the NSS question categories in 2014 broken down by the five possible responses to questions (Strongly Agree, Slightly Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Strongly Disagree). The percentage agree is the proportion of respondents answering Strongly Agree or Slightly Agree to a question.

Sector results

Mathematics NSS 2014 Results compared with Sector This graph shows the NSS results for the department by Question Category, compared with the sector. The department was ranked 41st out of 69 institutions in the sector for Overall Satisfaction.