This page shows the NSS 2018 College results and Sector results for the Faculty of Medicine.

Tabbed information block

College results

School of Medicine

NSS Percentage Agree trend over time - Department of MedicineThis graph shows shows the trend in the School of Medicine's NSS 2018 Percentage Agree results for the years 2014-2018, in each of the NSS Question Categories. 








NSS Response Breakdown - Department of MedicineThis graph shows the School's NSS 2018 results for each NSS question category, broken down by the five possible responses to questions (Definitely Agree, Mostly Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Mostly Disagree, Definitely Disagree).  The Percentage Agree score is the proportion of respondents answering Definitely or Mostly Agree to a question.







BSc Biomedical Sciences

NSS Percentage Agree trend over time - Biomedical SciencesThis graph shows shows the trend in BSc Biomedical Sciences' NSS 2018 Percentage Agree results for the years 2014-2018, in each of the NSS Question Categories.








NSS Response Breakdown - Biomedical SciencesThis graph shows the programme's NSS 2018 results for each NSS question category, broken down by the five possible responses to questions (Definitely Agree, Mostly Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Mostly Disagree, Definitely Disagree).  The Percentage Agree score is the proportion of respondents answering Definitely or Mostly Agree to a question.