Emily Anderson Student Administration Assistant
Email: ae.office@imperial.ac.uk Location: CAGB 318B
- UG Programme Administration including examinations
- Supporting students (first point of contact)
- Management of student data and systems
- Teaching Timetabling
- Teaching staff support
Daisy Antonioni Administrative Coordinator
Email: d.antonioni@imperial.ac.uk Location: CAGB 318
- Room and catering bookings
- Expense claims and purchase orders
- Teaching and exam administration support
- Miscellaneous Departmental queries
Fortune Belletty General Technician
Email: f.belletty@imperial.ac.uk Phone: 07566950870 Location: CAGB 317
- AV Teaching Room checks
- Car park bookings
- General maintenance
- Workshop machinist
- PAT testing
John Driscoll Acting Research Operations Officer
Email: john.driscoll@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45084 Location: CAGB 318
- Research Grants post-award/financial management
- Research Grants timesheets
- Research Grants financial reports/forecasting
Jie Du Undergraduate Administrator
Email: ae.office@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45102 Location: CAGB 318B
- UG Programme Administration including examinations
- Supporting students (first point of contact)
- Management of student data and systems
- Teaching Timetabling
- Teaching staff support
Siân Haynes Department Operations Manager
Email: s.haynes@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45059 Location: CAGB 318
- Overall operational management of the Department
- Development and delivery of the Department’s strategy and policy
- Financial and research management
- HR and people management
Lisa Kelly PA to Head of Department Departmental Staff & PhD Administrator
Email: l.kelly@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45056 Location: CAGB 318
- HR queries, Teamseer, contracts, advertising and recruitment coordination
- PA to Head of Department
- PhD admissions, advertising and recruitment coordination
- Seating arrangements for open-plan offices
Clodagh Li Centre for Doctoral Training Administrator
Email: c.li@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 46025 Location: CAGB 318
- Management of CDT in Fluid Dynamics across Scales
- On-course Aero PhD administration, including tuition fees and bursary payments
- Departmental buildings access
- Miscellaneous queries
Jennie Long Recruitment, Admissions and Outreach Manager
Email: j.long@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 48846 Location: CAGB 318B
- Develop UG and PG Student Recruitment and Outreach strategies
- Coordinate internal and external Recruitment/Outreach activities
- Monitor admissions trends
- Implement admissions processes and policy
- Provide advice on Recruitment, Admissions and Outreach initiatives
Jackie O'Neill Undergraduate Office Manager
Email: ae.office@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45079 Location: CAGB 318B
- UG Programme Administration including examinations
- Supporting students (first point of contact)
- Management of student data and systems
- Teaching Timetabling
- Teaching staff support
Meg Orpwood-Russell Communications and Events Manager
Email: meg.russell@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: Location: CAGB 318
- Promoting academic research, initiatives and events
- Updating the Department’s website as well as supporting group and PWP webpages
- Event support, including booking spaces, catering and aligned communications
- Digital and print design, as well as photography and video editing
Ravinder Panesar Senior Postgraduate (MSc) Administrator
Email: r.panesar@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45066 Location: CAGB 318
- Current MSc student and programme administration
- Masters programme admissions queries
- External project placements for Masters
Ela Sapinska Finance Administrator
Email: aero.finance@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45083 Location: CAGB 318
- Finance queries
- Processing Expense Claims
- Purchase and travel arrangements
- Casual Workers administration
Kevin Tang Research and Finance Manager
Email: kevin.tang@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 42467 Location: CAGB 318
- Post-Award Research Administration
- Pre-Award Support
- Departmental Finance
Shirin Yoosoofsah Undergraduate Administrator
Email: ae.office@imperial.ac.uk Phone Extension: 45100 Location: CAGB 318B
- UG Programme Administration including examinations
- Supporting students (first point of contact)
- Management of student data and systems
- Teaching Timetabling
- Teaching staff support