Aryaman Singh 1. Why did you decide to study an MSc in Composites at the Imperial College: Department of Aeronautics?

The study of composites is a highly advanced, intensely challenging and an intrinsically novel research field and not many good colleges in the world offer a direct MSc course in it. The Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College has one of the finest aeronautical research groups in the world, along with some world-class Professors, who have a specialisation in their respective areas. Imperial College itself is a great place to study and do research because of the kind of research-friendly environment that prevails in the campus. All these factors motivated me to pursue my Master's study in the Department.

2. What makes the MSc in Composites programme in Department of Aeronautics unique?

It’s very unique course structure, which is divided into three important modules: intensive course-work, one-time examinations and a research oriented MSc project; is very distinct from all the other programmes in the Department. This programme keeps a student thoroughly involved in composites throughout the year.

Aryaman Singh

Programme: MSc in Composites
Mode of Study: Full-time
Entry Year: 2012

Nationality: Indian
Undergraduate: Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering
Institution: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

Work Experience: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur and Indian Space Research Organization: Nano-Satellite, Student Research Team
Years: 2008-2012

3. What do you think of the Department’s facilities?

Department’s facilities are one of the best at Imperial with pro-active and extremely friendly academic office staff that is quick to respond to any query and provides a seamless blending of the students with the academic staff. Classrooms are high-tech with all the necessary modern equipment to make the transfer of knowledge as smooth and interesting as possible. The concept of study-rooms equipped with numerous desktops, a photocopy machine, a microwave oven and very interestingly a telescope, is a boom for the students.

4. How would you describe the community/culture at Imperial?

The community culture is extremely friendly, entertaining and supportive which makes Imperial a perfect home away from home, especially for an international student like me. The Student Union and Library are the two best places that I have enjoyed the most at Imperial. The Union offers so many exciting opportunities that are hard to number and my involvement in the football club is what I’ll cherish throughout my life. The Library, in itself is a very exciting place to be and as it is open 24 hrs it gives a new dimension to the openness and freeness of studies.

5. Which courses or subjects have you enjoyed most so far?

Preparing a Literature review was the most challenging and enjoyable part of the course-work as it enabled me to learn about a very new research topic solely by myself and thereby helped me to get critically involved with the recent happenings in the field of composites.

6. Have there been any seminars or events at the Department that have been useful in developing your skills and knowledge?

There have been a few company presentations, which has helped in getting a clear understanding about the respective companies and their recruitment policies, and some interesting presentations by PhD students about their ongoing research that has helped to develop my knowledge about about the current research activities in the Department.

7. Describe a typical day as a Department of Aeronautics MSc student.

A typical day as a MSc in Composites student involves two main things: (1) either attending classes or laboratory sessions, and (2) doing background study and thereby writing reports. The former is during the usual working hours, while the latter, which involves preparing lab reports (short/long) and literature review, is done during the non-working hours and is a very challenging feat to accomplish.

8. Describe your experience of being on the MSc in Composites programme. How is it helping to shape your future goals and career aspirations?

My experience has been quite challenging, enjoyable and thereby very knowledgeable. I am sure that by the end of the course, i.e. after pursuing my MSc project, I’ll gather enough experience and knowledge to either enter into an industry or pursue a higher research degree, with full command over the subject’s basics.

9. How has the programme helped you to develop your skills?

The structure of the programme is such that it forces a student to learn many skills automatically, for example time management, critical analysis, self-research, group activities and many more. The important point to remember while undertaking this course, is that it is entirely dependent on the student as to how much he/she gains from the available opportunities during the whole year. Therefore every possible step should be undertaken to develop one’s skill.

10. Moving away from study, what has been your experience of the social life at Imperial and in London?

My social experience at Imperial has been very exciting and unforgettable and all the credit goes to the Imperial College men’s football club. I play as a goalkeeper for the 7’s team and have spent one of the best days of college life with my club friends. Outside Imperial, London is a beautiful place to be, and is so extensive that there is no time to be alone. My experiences visiting the museums - three of which are just beside the College’s campus - theatres, football matches and many other varied places have just been outstanding.