Kush Asar 1. Why did you decide to study an MSc in Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics at the Imperial College: Department of Aeronautics?

I decided to do the MSc in Advanced Computational Methods in order to specialise in the aeronautics field, namely in the fluid dynamics side. Also, it puts me in a better position to qualify for professional exams in the relevant field.

2. What makes the MSc in Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics programme in Department of Aeronautics unique?

Its uniqueness is in the quality of the lecturers and the industrial experience each one has. Along with the facilities provided and industrial links with various companies, a good platform for research projects is available in the Department.

3. What do you think of the Department’s facilities?

The Department has great facilities. Fantastic laboratories, a good number of computers available to work on and very experienced teaching staff.

Kush Asar

Programme: MSc in Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics
Mode of Study: Full-time
Entry Year: 2012

Nationality: Tanzanian
Undergraduate: Bachelor of Engineering: Mechatronics Engineering
Institution: University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
Years: 2008-2011

Work Experience: Quality Control Department, Tanzanian Air Services Limited
Years: 2008-2011

4. How would you describe the community/culture at Imperial?

It is a multi-cultural environment with enthusiastic and very friendly people.

5. Which courses or subjects have you enjoyed most so far?

I have enjoyed Structural Dynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics.

6. Have there been any seminars or events at the Department that have been useful in developing your skills and knowledge?

There have been plenty of seminars; the one I attended was on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), which was intriguing as they explained the controls and the applications of such vehicles. Also, there are many career fairs and companies coming in to explain technological developments in the industry and job prospects.

7. Describe a typical day as a Department of Aeronautics MSc student.

It is full of different knowledge gained in class by learning theories and also through the relevance of each subject in practice.

8. Describe your experience of being on the MSc in Advanced Computational Methods programme. How is it helping to shape your future goals and career aspirations?

The experience is wonderful. It is helping to take a step further towards my ambition of specializing in fluid dynamics on an aircraft. Also it is helping towards my qualifying for written professional examinations by the CAA in order to get a basic license to maintain aircraft.

9. How has the programme helped you to develop your skills?

The programme has really improved my programing skills and helped shape my thinking in a more practical way so as to apply concepts such as vortex shedding, the generation of meshes, the position of the aerodynamic centre around an ailerone so as to avoid vortex induced vibrations, finding the point of shock generation on a wing and avoiding galloping and fluttering.

10. Moving away from study, what has been your experience of the social life at Imperial and in London?

There are many clubs and society to join. Activities take place once every week on Wednesday. There are many people from different cultures to meet and many opportunities to make friends. Furthermore, excellent sporting facilities are provided by the university. There is always something or the other going on for you to relax your mind. Moreover, the Student Union has great facilities like pool tables. Therefore, there are many opportunities to balance academic life with social interaction.