1 - Huxley, Thomas Henry

Date Range1825 - 1895

1825 Born Ealing 4th May
1835 Moved to Coventry
1840 Began Medical Apprenticeship Rotherhithe, London
1840-45 Scholarship to Charing Cross Medical School
1845 Awarded First MB & Gold Medal for Anatomy & Physiology
First paper published: on the human hair sheath
1846 Joined Naval Medical Service as Assistant Surgeon on the Survey Ship HMS Rattlesnake
1847 In Sydney, met Henrietta Anne Heathorn, became engaged
1847-50 Worked on scientific papers on sea creatures
1850 Returned to England, granted leave for research
1851 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society
1854 Left Navy, appointed Lecturer in Natural History at School of Mines, Jermyn Street, worked on fossil anatomy and classification
1855 Married Henrietta Heathorn in London
1855-58 Fullerian Professorship at the Royal Institution
1856 Son Noel born; Examiner to University of London - 1870
1858 Daughter Jessie born
1859 Daughter Marian born; Secretary Geological Society; Defended Darwin
1860 Son Noel died; son Leonard born; Defended Darwin against the Bishop of Oxford at the British Association meeting
1862 Daughter Rachel born; Royal Commission on Scottish Herring Trawler Acts
Formed Thorough Club
1863 Daughter Nettie born
1864 Founded X-Club; Royal Commission on Sea Fisheries of the UK - 1865
1865 Son Henry born
1866 Daughter Ethel born; Commission on Royal College of Science for Ireland
1866 Principal of South London Working Mens' College - 1880
1869 President of Geological Society; coined word Agnostic
1870 Elected to London School Board; Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction
1871 Secretary of the Royal Society
1872-74 Health broke down, traveled to Egypt to recover; Rector Aberdeen University
1873-80 Continued lecturing and political lobbying for cause of science
1881-85 Dean of Normal School Science (Later Royal College of Science); Inspector of Salmon Fisheries
1884 Royal Commission on Trawling
1885 Resigned Professorship at Normal School of Science
1887 Working on the Alpine plants gentians
1888 Trustee British Museum; Copley medal of Royal Society
1889 Began agnosticism controversy
1892 Privy Councillor; working on University of London Reform
1893 Romanes Lecturer, Oxford
1895 Died, Eastbourne 29th June, buried at Finchley 4th July

Published by the Imperial College London, Records and Archives,
With support from HOST
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Updated 13 September 2005

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