
BibTex format

author = {Herrero, Vinas P and Pesl, P and Reddy, M and Oliver, N and Georgiou, P},
title = {Atomatic adjustment of Basal insulin infusion rates in type 1 diabetes using run-to-run control and case-based reasoning},
url = {},
year = {2017}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - People with type 1 diabetes mellitus rely on a basal-bolus insulinregimen to roughly emulate how a non-diabetic person’s body delivers insulin.Adjusting such regime is a challenging process usually conducted by an expertclinical. Despite several guidelines exist for such purpose, they are usuallyimpractical and fall short in achieving optimal glycemic outcomes. Therefore,there is a need for more automated and efficient strategies to adjust such regime.This paper presents, and in silico validates, a novel technique to automaticallyadapt the basal insulin profile of a person with person with type 1 diabetes. Thepresented technique, which is based on Run-to-Run control and Case-BasedReasoning, overcomes some of the limitations of previously proposedapproaches and has been proved to be robust in front of realistic intra-dayvariability. Over a period of 5 weeks on 10 virtual adult subjects, a significantreduction on the percentage of time in hyperglycemia (<70mg/dl) (from 14.3±5.6to 1.6±1.7, p< 0.01), without a significant increase on the percentage of time inhypoglycemia (>180mg/dl) (from 10.2±5.9 to 1.6±1.7, p=0.1), was achieved.
AU - Herrero,Vinas P
AU - Pesl,P
AU - Reddy,M
AU - Oliver,N
AU - Georgiou,P
PY - 2017///
TI - Atomatic adjustment of Basal insulin infusion rates in type 1 diabetes using run-to-run control and case-based reasoning
UR -
ER -

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