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  • Conference paper
    Zhang K, Toni F, Williams M, 2022,

    A federated cox model with non-proportional hazards

    , The 6th International Workshop on ​Health Intelligence, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 171-185, ISSN: 1860-949X

    Recent research has shown the potential for neural networksto improve upon classical survival models such as the Cox model, whichis widely used in clinical practice. Neural networks, however, typicallyrely on data that are centrally available, whereas healthcare data arefrequently held in secure silos. We present a federated Cox model thataccommodates this data setting and also relaxes the proportional hazardsassumption, allowing time-varying covariate effects. In this latter respect,our model does not require explicit specification of the time-varying ef-fects, reducing upfront organisational costs compared to previous works.We experiment with publicly available clinical datasets and demonstratethat the federated model is able to perform as well as a standard model.

  • Conference paper
    Cretu A-M, Houssiau F, Cully A, de Montjoye Y-Aet al., 2022,

    QuerySnout: automating the discovery of attribute inference attacks against query-based systems

    , CCS '22: 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Publisher: ACM, Pages: 623-637

    Although query-based systems (QBS) have become one of the main solutions to share data anonymously, building QBSes that robustly protect the privacy of individuals contributing to the dataset is a hard problem. Theoretical solutions relying on differential privacy guarantees are difficult to implement correctly with reasonable accuracy, while ad-hoc solutions might contain unknown vulnerabilities. Evaluating the privacy provided by QBSes must thus be done by evaluating the accuracy of a wide range of privacy attacks. However, existing attacks against QBSes require time and expertise to develop, need to be manually tailored to the specific systems attacked, and are limited in scope. In this paper, we develop QuerySnout, the first method to automatically discover vulnerabilities in query-based systems. QuerySnout takes as input a target record and the QBS as a black box, analyzes its behavior on one or more datasets, and outputs a multiset of queries together with a rule to combine answers to them in order to reveal the sensitive attribute of the target record. QuerySnout uses evolutionary search techniques based on a novel mutation operator to find a multiset of queries susceptible to lead to an attack, and a machine learning classifier to infer the sensitive attribute from answers to the queries selected. We showcase the versatility of QuerySnout by applying it to two attack scenarios (assuming access to either the private dataset or to a different dataset from the same distribution), three real-world datasets, and a variety of protection mechanisms. We show the attacks found by QuerySnout to consistently equate or outperform, sometimes by a large margin, the best attacks from the literature. We finally show how QuerySnout can be extended to QBSes that require a budget, and apply QuerySnout to a simple QBS based on the Laplace mechanism. Taken together, our results show how powerful and accurate attacks against QBSes can already be found by an automated system, allo

  • Journal article
    Chagot L, Quilodran-Casas C, Kalli M, Kovalchuk NM, Simmons MJH, Matar OK, Arcucci R, Angeli Pet al., 2022,

    Surfactant-laden droplet size prediction in a flow-focusing microchannel: a data-driven approach

    , LAB ON A CHIP, Vol: 22, Pages: 3848-3859, ISSN: 1473-0197
  • Conference paper
    Albini E, Rago A, Baroni P, Toni Fet al., 2022,

    Descriptive accuracy in explanations: the case of probabilistic classifiers

    , 15th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2022), Publisher: Springer, Pages: 279-294

    A user receiving an explanation for outcomes produced by an artificially intelligent system expects that it satisfies the key property of descriptive accuracy (DA), i.e. that the explanation contents are in correspondence with the internal working of the system. Crucial as this property appears to be, it has been somehow overlooked in the XAI literature to date. To address this problem, we consider the questions of formalising DA and of analysing its satisfaction by explanation methods. We provide formal definitions of naive, structural and dialectical DA, using the family of probabilistic classifiers as the context for our analysis. We evaluate the satisfaction of our given notions of DA by several explanation methods, amounting to two popular feature-attribution methods from the literature and a novel form of explanation that we propose and complement our analysis with experiments carried out on a varied selection of concrete probabilistic classifiers.

  • Conference paper
    Maurizio P, Toni F, 2022,

    Learning assumption-based argumentation frameworks

    , 31st International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2022)

    . We propose a novel approach to logic-based learning whichgenerates assumption-based argumentation (ABA) frameworks from positive and negative examples, using a given background knowledge. TheseABA frameworks can be mapped onto logic programs with negationas failure that may be non-stratified. Whereas existing argumentationbased methods learn exceptions to general rules by interpreting the exceptions as rebuttal attacks, our approach interprets them as undercutting attacks. Our learning technique is based on the use of transformationrules, including some adapted from logic program transformation rules(notably folding) as well as others, such as rote learning and assumptionintroduction. We present a general strategy that applies the transformation rules in a suitable order to learn stratified frameworks, and we alsopropose a variant that handles the non-stratified case. We illustrate thebenefits of our approach with a number of examples, which show that,on one hand, we are able to easily reconstruct other logic-based learningapproaches and, on the other hand, we can work out in a very simpleand natural way problems that seem to be hard for existing techniques.

  • Conference paper
    Potyka N, Yin X, Toni F, 2022,

    On the tradeoff between correctness and completeness in argumentative explainable AI

    , 1st International Workshop on Argumentation for eXplainable AI, Publisher: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Pages: 1-8, ISSN: 1613-0073

    Explainable AI aims at making the decisions of autonomous systems human-understandable. Argumentation frameworks are a natural tool for this purpose. Among them, bipolar abstract argumentation frameworks seem well suited to explain the effect of features on a classification decision and their formal properties can potentially be used to derive formal guarantees for explanations. Two particular interesting properties are correctness (if the explanation says that X affects Y, then X affects Y ) and completeness (if X affects Y, then the explanation says that X affects Y ). The reinforcement property of bipolar argumentation frameworks has been used as a natural correctness counterpart in previous work. Applied to the classification context, it basically states that attacking features should decrease and supporting features should increase the confidence of a classifier. In this short discussion paper, we revisit this idea, discuss potential limitations when considering reinforcement without a corresponding completeness property and how these limitations can potentially be overcome.

  • Journal article
    Zhuang Y, Cheng S, Kovalchuk N, Simmons M, Matar OK, Guo Y-K, Arcucci Ret al., 2022,

    Ensemble latent assimilation with deep learning surrogate model: application to drop interaction in a microfluidics device

    , Lab on a Chip: miniaturisation for chemistry, physics, biology, materials science and bioengineering, Vol: 22, Pages: 3187-3202, ISSN: 1473-0189

    A major challenge in the field of microfluidics is to predict and control drop interactions. This work develops an image-based data-driven model to forecast drop dynamics based on experiments performed on a microfluidics device. Reduced-order modelling techniques are applied to compress the recorded images into low-dimensional spaces and alleviate the computational cost. Recurrent neural networks are then employed to build a surrogate model of drop interactions by learning the dynamics of compressed variables in the reduced-order space. The surrogate model is integrated with real-time observations using data assimilation. In this paper we developed an ensemble-based latent assimilation algorithm scheme which shows an improvement in terms of accuracy with respect to the previous approaches. This work demonstrates the possibility to create a reliable data-driven model enabling a high fidelity prediction of drop interactions in microfluidics device. The performance of the developed system is evaluated against experimental data (i.e., recorded videos), which are excluded from the training of the surrogate model. The developed scheme is general and can be applied to other dynamical systems.

  • Journal article
    Cheng S, Prentice IC, Huang Y, Jin Y, Guo Y-K, Arcucci Ret al., 2022,

    Data-driven surrogate model with latent data-assimilation: application to wildfire forecasting

    , Journal of Computational Physics, Vol: 464, ISSN: 0021-9991

    The large and catastrophic wildfires have been increasing across the globe in the recent decade, highlighting the importance of simulating and forecasting fire dynamics in near real-time. This is extremely challenging due to the complexities of physical models and geographical features. Running physics-based simulations for large wildfire events in near real-time are computationally expensive, if not infeasible. In this work, we develop and test a novel data-model integration scheme for fire progression forecasting, that combines Reduced-order modelling, recurrent neural networks (Long-Short-Term Memory), data assimilation, and error covariance tuning. The Reduced-order modelling and the machine learning surrogate model ensure the efficiency of the proposed approach while the data assimilation enables the system to adjust the simulation with observations. We applied this algorithm to simulate and forecast three recent large wildfire events in California from 2017 to 2020. The deep-learning-based surrogate model runs around 1000 times faster than the Cellular Automata simulation which is used to generate training data-sets. The daily fire perimeters derived from satellite observation are used as observation data in Latent Assimilation to adjust the fire forecasting in near real-time. An error covariance tuning algorithm is also performed in the reduced space to estimate prior simulation and observation errors. The evolution of the averaged relative root mean square error (R-RMSE) shows that data assimilation and covariance tuning reduce the RMSE by about 50% and considerably improves the forecasting accuracy. As a first attempt at a reduced order wildfire spread forecasting, our exploratory work showed the potential of data-driven machine learning models to speed up fire forecasting for various applications.

  • Conference paper
    Ward F, Toni F, Belardinelli F, 2022,

    A causal perspective on AI deception in games

    , AI Safety 2022 (IJCAI-ECAI-22), Publisher: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Pages: 1-16

    Deception is a core challenge for AI safety and we focus on the problem that AI agents might learndeceptive strategies in pursuit of their objectives. We define the incentives one agent has to signal toand deceive another agent. We present several examples of deceptive artificial agents and show that ourdefinition has desirable properties.

  • Conference paper
    Jiang J, Rago A, Toni F, 2022,

    Should counterfactual explanations always be data instances?

    , XLoKR 2022: The Third Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation

    Counterfactual explanations (CEs) are an increasingly popular way of explaining machine learning classifiers. Predominantly, they amount to data instances pointing to potential changes to the inputs that would lead to alternative outputs. In this position paper we question the widespread assumption that CEs should always be data instances, and argue instead that in some cases they may be better understood in terms of special types of relations between input features and classification variables. We illustrate how a special type of these relations, amounting to critical influences, can characterise and guide the search for data instances deemed suitable as CEs. These relations also provide compact indications of which input features - rather than their specific values in data instances - have counterfactual value.

  • Conference paper
    Rago A, Baroni P, Toni F, 2022,

    Explaining causal models with argumentation: the case of bi-variate reinforcement

    , 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022), Publisher: IJCAI Organisation, Pages: 505-509, ISSN: 2334-1033

    Causal models are playing an increasingly important role inmachine learning, particularly in the realm of explainable AI.We introduce a conceptualisation for generating argumenta-tion frameworks (AFs) from causal models for the purposeof forging explanations for the models’ outputs. The concep-tualisation is based on reinterpreting desirable properties ofsemantics of AFs as explanation moulds, which are meansfor characterising the relations in the causal model argumen-tatively. We demonstrate our methodology by reinterpretingthe property of bi-variate reinforcement as an explanationmould to forge bipolar AFs as explanations for the outputs ofcausal models. We perform a theoretical evaluation of theseargumentative explanations, examining whether they satisfy arange of desirable explanatory and argumentative propertie

  • Conference paper
    Irwin B, Rago A, Toni F, 2022,

    Forecasting argumentation frameworks

    , 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2022), Publisher: IJCAI Organisation, Pages: 533-543, ISSN: 2334-1033

    We introduce Forecasting Argumentation Frameworks(FAFs), a novel argumentation-based methodology forforecasting informed by recent judgmental forecastingresearch. FAFs comprise update frameworks which empower(human or artificial) agents to argue over time about theprobability of outcomes, e.g. the winner of a politicalelection or a fluctuation in inflation rates, whilst flaggingperceived irrationality in the agents’ behaviour with a viewto improving their forecasting accuracy. FAFs include fiveargument types, amounting to standard pro/con arguments,as in bipolar argumentation, as well as novel proposalarguments and increase/decrease amendment arguments. Weadapt an existing gradual semantics for bipolar argumen-tation to determine the aggregated dialectical strength ofproposal arguments and define irrational behaviour. We thengive a simple aggregation function which produces a finalgroup forecast from rational agents’ individual forecasts.We identify and study properties of FAFs and conductan empirical evaluation which signals FAFs’ potential toincrease the forecasting accuracy of participants.

  • Conference paper
    Gaskell A, Miao Y, Toni F, Specia Let al., 2022,

    Logically consistent adversarial attacks for soft theorem provers

    , 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 25th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Publisher: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Pages: 4129-4135

    Recent efforts within the AI community haveyielded impressive results towards “soft theoremproving” over natural language sentences using lan-guage models. We propose a novel, generativeadversarial framework for probing and improvingthese models’ reasoning capabilities. Adversarialattacks in this domain suffer from the logical in-consistency problem, whereby perturbations to theinput may alter the label. Our Logically consis-tent AdVersarial Attacker, LAVA, addresses this bycombining a structured generative process with asymbolic solver, guaranteeing logical consistency.Our framework successfully generates adversarialattacks and identifies global weaknesses commonacross multiple target models. Our analyses revealnaive heuristics and vulnerabilities in these mod-els’ reasoning capabilities, exposing an incompletegrasp of logical deduction under logic programs.Finally, in addition to effective probing of thesemodels, we show that training on the generatedsamples improves the target model’s performance.

  • Journal article
    Lever J, Arcucci R, 2022,

    Sentimental wildfire: a social-physics machine learning model for wildfire nowcasting

    , Journal of Computational Social Science, Vol: 5, Pages: 1427-1465, ISSN: 2432-2717

    The intensity of wildfires and wildfire season length is increasing due to climate change, causing a greater threat to the local population. Much of this population are increasingly adopting social media, and sites like Twitter are increasingly being used as a real-time human-sensor network during natural disasters; detecting, tracking and documenting events. The human-sensor concept is currently largely omitted by wildfire models, representing a potential loss of information. By including Twitter data as a source in our models, we aim to help disaster managers make more informed, socially driven decisions, by detecting and monitoring online social media sentiment over the course of a wildfire event. This paper implements machine learning in a wildfire prediction model, using social media and geophysical data sources with Sentiment Analysis to predict wildfire characteristics with high accuracy. We also use wildfire-specific attributes to predict online social dynamics, as this has been shown to be indicative of localised disaster severity. This may be useful for disaster management teams in identifying areas of immediate danger. We combine geophysical satellite data from the Global Fire Atlas with social data provided by Twitter. We perform data collection and subsequent analysis & visualisation, and compare regional differences in online social sentiment expression. Following this, we compare and contrast different machine learning models for predicting wildfire attributes. We demonstrate social media is a predictor of wildfire activity, and present models which accurately model wildfire attributes. This work develops the concept of the human sensor in the context of wildfires, using users’ Tweets as noisy subjective sentimental accounts of current localised conditions. This work contributes to the development of more socially conscious wildfire models, by incorporating social media data into wildfire prediction and modelling.

  • Conference paper
    Sukpanichnant P, Rago A, Lertvittayakumjorn P, Toni Fet al., 2022,

    Neural QBAFs: explaining neural networks under LRP-based argumentation frameworks

    , International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, Pages: 429-444, ISSN: 0302-9743

    In recent years, there have been many attempts to combine XAI with the field of symbolic AI in order to generate explanations for neural networks that are more interpretable and better align with human reasoning, with one prominent candidate for this synergy being the sub-field of computational argumentation. One method is to represent neural networks with quantitative bipolar argumentation frameworks (QBAFs) equipped with a particular semantics. The resulting QBAF can then be viewed as an explanation for the associated neural network. In this paper, we explore a novel LRP-based semantics under a new QBAF variant, namely neural QBAFs (nQBAFs). Since an nQBAF of a neural network is typically large, the nQBAF must be simplified before being used as an explanation. Our empirical evaluation indicates that the manner of this simplification is all important for the quality of the resulting explanation.

  • Conference paper
    Schupp S, Leofante F, Behr L, Ábrahám E, Taccella Aet al., 2022,

    Robot swarms as hybrid systems: modelling and verification

    , Publisher: Open Publishing Association, Pages: 61-77, ISSN: 2075-2180

    A swarm robotic system consists of a team of robots performing cooperative tasks without any centralized coordination. In principle, swarms enable flexible and scalable solutions; however, designing individual control algorithms that can guarantee a required global behavior is difficult. Formal methods have been suggested by several researchers as a mean to increase confidence in the behavior of the swarm. In this work, we propose to model swarms as hybrid systems and use reachability analysis to verify their properties. We discuss challenges and report on the experience gained from applying hybrid formalisms to the verification of a swarm robotic system.

  • Conference paper
    Lim BWT, Grillotti L, Bernasconi L, Cully Aet al., 2022,

    Dynamics-aware quality-diversity for efficient learning of skill repertoires

    , IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 5360-5366

    Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms are powerful exploration algorithms that allow robots to discover large repertoires of diverse and high-performing skills. However, QD algorithms are sample inefficient and require millionsof evaluations. In this paper, we propose Dynamics-Aware Quality-Diversity (DA-QD), a framework to improve the sample efficiency of QD algorithms through the use of dynamics models. We also show how DA-QD can then be used for continual acquisition of new skill repertoires. To do so, weincrementally train a deep dynamics model from experience obtained when performing skill discovery using QD. We can then perform QD exploration in imagination with an imagined skill repertoire. We evaluate our approach on three robotic experiments. First, our experiments show DA-QD is 20 timesmore sample efficient than existing QD approaches for skill discovery. Second, we demonstrate learning an entirely new skill repertoire in imagination to perform zero-shot learning. Finally, we show how DA-QD is useful and effective for solving a long horizon navigation task and for damage adaptation in the real world. Videos and source code are available at:

  • Conference paper
    Pierrot T, Macé V, Chalumeau F, Flajolet A, Cideron G, Beguir K, Cully A, Sigaud O, Perrin-Gilbert Net al., 2022,

    Diversity Policy Gradient for Sample Efficient Quality-Diversity Optimization

    , The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)
  • Conference paper
    Lim BWT, Reichenbach A, Cully A, 2022,

    Learning to walk autonomously via reset-free quality-diversity

    , The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO)

    Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms can discover large and complex behavioural repertoires consisting of both diverse and high-performing skills. However, the generation of behavioural repertoires has mainly been limited to simulation environments instead of real-world learning. This is because existing QD algorithms need large numbers of evaluations as well as episodic resets, which require manual human supervision and interventions. This paper proposes Reset-Free Quality-Diversity optimization (RF-QD) as a step towards autonomous learning for robotics in open-ended environments. We build on Dynamics-Aware Quality-Diversity (DA-QD) and introduce a behaviour selection policy that leverages the diversity of the imagined repertoire and environmental information to intelligently select of behaviours that can act as automatic resets. We demonstrate this through a task of learning to walk within defined training zones with obstacles. Our experiments show that we can learn full repertoires of legged locomotion controllers autonomously without manual resets with high sample efficiency in spite of harsh safety constraints. Finally, using an ablation of different target objectives, we show that it is important for RF-QD to have diverse types solutions available for the behaviour selection policy over solutions optimised with a specific objective. Videos and code available at this https URL.

  • Conference paper
    Allard M, Smith Bize S, Chatzilygeroudis K, Cully Aet al., 2022,

    Hierarchical Quality-Diversity For Online Damage Recovery

    , The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Publisher: ACM

    Adaptation capabilities, like damage recovery, are crucial for the deployment of robots in complex environments. Several works have demonstrated that using repertoires of pre-trained skills can enable robots to adapt to unforeseen mechanical damages in a few minutes. These adaptation capabilities are directly linked to the behavioural diversity in the repertoire. The more alternatives the robot has to execute a skill, the better are the chances that it can adapt to a new situation. However, solving complex tasks, like maze navigation, usually requires multiple different skills. Finding a large behavioural diversity for these multiple skills often leads to an intractable exponential growth of the number of required solutions.In this paper, we introduce the Hierarchical Trial and Error algorithm, which uses a hierarchical behavioural repertoire to learn diverse skills and leverages them to make the robot more adaptive to different situations. We show that the hierarchical decomposition of skills enables the robot to learn more complex behaviours while keeping the learning of the repertoire tractable. The experiments with a hexapod robot show that our method solves maze navigation tasks with 20% less actions in the most challenging scenarios than the best baseline while having 57% less complete failures.

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