Ready to test your little grey cells? Imperial’s best minds set the ultimate puzzle challenge.


What links the following sets:

Refused to kowtow in 1792, prosecuted Bubba, old Tippecanoe, the sealed-train traveller?

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The answer to this puzzle is:

The Beatles: MacCartney Embassy, Ken Starr, William Henry Harrison, and Vladimir Lenin

Very hard

What links the following sets:

Tawhid, Asian Tigers, Worthies, Chalcogens, funnier than 24?

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The answer to this puzzle is:

Square numbers: Tawhid is the “oneness” of God, there are 4 Asian Tigers, 9 Worthies, Chalcogens are group 16, and – for those young enough to have grown up watching SpongeBob – 25 is funnier than 24


What links the following sets:

Casement, David Jones, Stirling's (more-or-less), asterism, dog's bollocks?


All puzzles set by Felix Roberts from the Imperial Quiz Society.

See the answer

The answer to this puzzle is:

Punctuation: Roger Casement was “hanged on a comma”, David Jones wrote In Parenthesis, the factorial ! can be approximated using Stirling’s formula, an asterism is three asterisks, and the ‘dog’s bollocks’ is an outdated piece of typography made of a colon and dash

How to enter:

The first 10 readers to send the correct solutions for two or more of the puzzles will be entered into a prize draw to win a book e-voucher for the value of £10.

Winners' names will be in Imperial 53 in December 2022, and solutions published on this page.

To enter, please email

Entries close on 31 August 2022.

Congratulations to everyone who found the correct solutions and well done to our winning puzzlers:

  • Fergus Dignan (MBBS Westminster Medical School 1979)
  • Adrian Tottenham (MSc Chemical Engineering 1981)
  • Jon Tyrell (BSc Mathematics 1974)
  • Joe White (MSci Chemistry 2021)
  • Katherine Papakyriacou (MEng Aeronautical Engineering 2021)
  • Kevin Ridout (Civil Engineering 1979)
  • Ian Pawson (PhD Mathematics 2002)
  • Richard Smith (Chemistry 1964, PhD 1967)
  • Chris Glover (Chemical Engineering 1974)
  • Alan Green (Environmental Studies 1988)