Festival season

Experience the extraordinary on Great Exhibition Road.

Words: Lucy Jolin

Extract DNA from a strawberry. Taste extraordinary future foods. Play with Lego robots (and consider letting your kids have a go, too). And, of course, meet up with old friends in beloved old haunts. Yes, it’s the Great Exhibition Road Festival 2023, which takes place on 17 and 18 June.

This year, we’re celebrating the inspirational power of awe and wonder in science and the arts with an incredible array of free activities. And while everyone’s welcome, it’s great to see Imperial alumni bringing their families and friends.

Celebrating the inspirational power of awe and wonder in science and the arts"

Plus, as an Imperial graduate, you’re invited to register for access to the exclusive Alumni Lounge. It’s the perfect place to escape the crowds, meet up with friends, and relax and refuel with complimentary refreshments. And by purchasing an Alumni Lounge pass in advance, you also get early bird access to the most sought-after events of the weekend, including tours and talks to inspire, motivate and spark innovation.

For example, you might find yourself awed by the biggest dinosaurs that ever lived, rediscovering Black portraiture or learning about the incredible nature and heritage of the Royal Parks – from their smallest invertebrate to their grandest historic landscapes. The Human Genome Printshop invites you to contribute to a handprint mural celebrating DNA’s story of individuality and shared history. Or why not take a tour of the wonders inside our bodies, or learn about new building materials in the Building the Future Zone? You’ll find something new and fascinating for all ages around every corner.

But don’t just take our word for it – listen to previous attendees. “Love the alumni hub and the enthusiasm of the staff teaching the kids,” wrote one. “The tours are fantastic and something special!” wrote another. Yet more praise: “It’s brilliant. Pat yourself on the back. It’s really good to encourage children into STEM.” And one attendee said their highlight was “being able to take my family (including, for the first time, grandchildren) to see Imperial and the Festival”.

To purchase an Alumni Lounge pass in advance and find out more about the range of events taking place over Alumni Weekend, visit: www.imperial.ac.uk/alumni/events/alumni-weekend