Ready to test your little grey cells? Imperial’s best minds set the ultimate puzzle challenge.
All puzzles set by the Imperial Quiz Society.
Give the sequence that joins:
A deceptive clupeid; the Merry Monarch’s favoured accompaniment to eggs; Sir Gawain’s first adversary.
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Very hard
What do Wi-Fi, SOS and Marcel Duchamp’s LHOOQ have in common?
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Only Connect wall. Re-arrange the wall into rows, each row has a unique common link that must also be identified.
Sinbad the Sailor |
Night on Bald Mountain |
Scheherazade |
Morgiana |
Monsieur Zaccone |
Abbé Busoni |
Ali Baba |
Alice in Wonderland |
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice |
Dance of the Hours |
Lord Wilmore |
The Nutcracker |
Aladdin |
Rite of Spring |
Prince of Persia |
Robin Hood |
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See the answer