About the mA*ths Online Programme
Are you an A-level Mathematics student considering studying a maths-related degree at university?
Through this programme you could:
- Develop the skills you need to achieve an A* in A-level Mathematics
- Build your confidence to apply to universities that require an A* in Mathematics for your chosen subject
During the programme, applicants receive tailored online support, including online mentoring and face-to-face masterclasses at Imperial College London. This initiative runs in collaboration with Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI).
We run two cohorts for the programme, one for year 12 students and one for year 13 students.
Please note: This programme is for students studying A-level Mathematics. We also run an A-level Further Mathematics programme. Although you can apply to both programmes, you will only be allowed a place on one. Therefore, we encourage you to think carefully before you apply and to try to select the programme you would get the most from.
Download our mA*ths Online poster to display in your school.
mA*ths and Further mA*ths Online Programmes
What to expect
Applicant information
Contact us
For more information, please see our Outreach Programme FAQs or email us at mathsonline@imperial.ac.uk.
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