Scientists at Imperial College have rapidly responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in a number of ways, including:
- Increasing our understanding of how the virus causes disease and spreads amongst the general population
- Creating innovative technologies for rapid testing, vaccine development and building low cost ventilators
- Initiating clinical research projects and clinical trials
- Delivering the best in clinical care on the frontline in hospitals
- Trialling mixed reality telemedicine to reduce the rates of infection in hospitals
You can watch recordings of a series lectures about our response here.
This series was curated by Professor Sara Rankin of the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London.
Event recordings
- Lesson 1: The immunological response to COVID-19
- Lesson 2: How an unlikely collaboration helped chemical engineers make hand sanitiser
- Lesson 3: The genomic resonse to COVID-19
- Lesson 4: Modelling the spread of the virus
- Lesson 5: Testing for the presence of the COVID-19 virus and antibodies in patient samples
- Lesson 6: Creating a handheld test for COVID-19
- Lesson 7: COVID-19 clinical research and clinical trials
- Lesson 8: What medicines could be used to treat COVID-19 patients?
- Lesson 9: Why interdisciplinary science is required to make a vaccine
- Lesson 10: Designing and building a new low cost ventilator- JAMVENT
- Lesson 11: Being on the frontline of patient care
- Lesson 12: Use of HoloLens mixed reality technology in hospitals
Lesson 1: The immunological response to COVID-19
Lesson 2: How an unlikely collaboration helped chemical engineers make hand sanitiser
Lesson 3: The genomic resonse to COVID-19
Lesson 4: Modelling the spread of the virus
Lesson 5: Testing for the presence of the COVID-19 virus and antibodies in patient samples
Lesson 6: Creating a handheld test for COVID-19
Lesson 7: COVID-19 clinical research and clinical trials
Lesson 8: What medicines could be used to treat COVID-19 patients?
Lesson 9: Why interdisciplinary science is required to make a vaccine
Lesson 10: Designing and building a new low cost ventilator- JAMVENT
Lesson 11: Being on the frontline of patient care
Lesson 12: Use of HoloLens mixed reality technology in hospitals
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