Join in the conversation about all things Imperial on our social media channels. Find the networks that match your academic or social interests, and take part!
This is a selection of official College social networks. It is not exhaustive. If you know of any others that are not in this list, please contact Philippa Skett, Social Media Manager, who can add them to this page.
Showcase area
Departments and Centres
- Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre
- Centre for International Child Health
- Department of Bioengineering
- Department of Biomedical Science
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Materials
- Energy Futures Lab
- Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment
- Imperial Aeronautics Flow Control
- Imperial Graduate Schools
- Imperial Preterm Birth
- International Phenome Training Centre
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
- PG Connections - Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine
- Racing Green
- Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
- The Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery
Student Union, Clubs and Societies
- Imperial College Union
- Eastside Bar
- Felix Newspaper
- FiveSixEight (Beitbars)
- h-bar
- Enactus Imperial
- i-Science Magazine
- Imperial African Caribbean Society
- Imperial Ahlulbayt Society
- Imperial Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Society
- Imperial ArtsFest
- Imperial Asia Business Club
- Imperial Basketball
- Imperial Bhangra Team
- Imperial Big Band
- Imperial Boat Club
- Imperial Caving Club
- Imperial Chemical Engineering Society
- ImperialChinese Society
- Imperial Christian Union
- Imperial Cinema
- Imperial Conservative Society
- Imperial Consultancy Society
- Imperial Debating Society
- Imperial EAGE Student Chapter
- Imperial Entrepeneurs
- Imperial Erasmus Club
- Imperial Fashion and Design Society
- Imperial Finance Society
- Imperial FinTech Society
- Imperial First Aid Society
- Imperial Graduate Students' Union
- Imperial Hellenic Society
- Imperial Hungarian Society
- Imperial Investment Society
- Imperial Islamic Society
- Imperial Israeli Society
- Imperial Italian Society
- Imperial Labour Society
- Imperial Latin American Society
- Imperial Lawn Tennis Club
- Imperial LGBT+
- Imperial Malaysian Society
- Imperial Mathematics Society
- Imperial Neuroscience Society
- Imperial Nigerian Society
- Imperial Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society
- Imperial Pakistan Society
- Imperial Pilot's Club
- Imperial Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Society
- Imperial Polish Society
- Imperial Private Equity and Venture Capital Club
- Imperial Public Awareness and Social Service Society
- Imperial RAG
- Imperial Robotics Society
- Imperial Rugby
- Imperial Saudi Society
- Imperial School of Medicine Boat Club
- Imperial School of Medicine RAG
- Imperial School of Medicine Students' Union
- Imperial Sikh Society
- Imperial Singapore Society
- Imperial Snowsports Society
- Imperial Sports and Exercise Medicine Society
- Imperial String Ensemble
- Imperial Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
- Imperial Taiwanese Society
- Imperial Wolverines Dodgeball Club
- Imperial Women in Business
- Imperial Wushu Society
- Imperial Yacht Club
- Leosoc Social
- Reynolds Bar
- The Techtonics
Student/Staff Services and Groups
- Department of Chemical Engineering PhD Committee
- Enterprise Lab
- ICT Service Desk
- Imperial Horizons
- Imperial Summer Accommodation
- Imperial College Advanced Hackspace
- Imperial College Careers Service - Events
- Imperial College Library
- Imperial Student Accommodation
- Imperial College International Student Support
- Imperial Evening Classes, School of Professional Development
- Imperial UCU
- Imperial Venues
- Move Imperial
Imperial NHS Trust
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
- Imperial College Healthcare Charity
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Imperial College London Hammersmith Hospital
X (formally Twitter)
- Imperial College London @ImperialCollege
- Imperial research news and events @ImperialSpark
- Faculty of Engineering @ImpEngineering
- Faculty of Medicine @ImperialMed
- Faculty of Natural Sciences @ImperialSci
- Imperial College Business School @ImperialBiz
Departments and Centres
- Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA) @Imperial_JIDEA
- AI Network @ImperialAI
- Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine and Intensive Care @APMIC_Imperial
- Barrer Centre @BarrerCentre
- British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence @BHFCoREImperial
- Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre @imperialCR_UK
- Centre of Advanced Structural Ceramics @CASC_Imperial
- Centre for Climate Finance and Investment @ImperialCCFI
- Centre for Digestive and Gut Health @CentreGutHealth
- Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology @CDTNeurotech
- Centre for Doctoral Training in Theory and Simulation of Materials @tsmcdt
- Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science @ICCESS_Imperial
- Centre for Environmental Health @CentreEnvHealth
- Centre for HE Research and Scholarship @Imperial_CHERS
- Centre for Health Policy @Imperial_CHP
- Centre for Health Economics and Policy Innovation @imperialchepi
- Centre for Infection @ImperialCIPM
- Centre for International Child Health @Imperial_CICH
- Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication @Imperial_CLCC
- Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection @CMBI_Imperial
- Centre for Nuclear Engineering @ImperialNuclear
- Centre for Psychiatry @ImpPsych
- Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology (QuEST) @QuantumImperial
- Centre for Systems Engineering and Innovation @CSEI_imperial
- Centre for Translational Nutrition and Food Research @ImperialNutr
- Conservation Science @ConSciImperial
- Data Science Institute @ImperialDSI
- Department of Aeronautics @aeroimperial
- Department of Bioengineering @ImperialBioeng
- Department of Brain Sciences @ImperialBrains
- Department of Chemical Engineering @ImperialChemEng
- Department of Chemistry @impchemistry
- Department of Civil Engineering @ImperialCiveng
- Department of Computing @ICComputing
- Department of Earth Science and Engineering @ESEImperial
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering @imperialeee
- Department of Immunology and Inflammation @ImperialImmuno
- Department of Infectious Disease @ImperialInfect
- Department of Life Sciences @ImperialLifeSci
- Department of Materials @ImpMaterials
- Department of Mathematics @ImperialMaths
- Department of Mechanical Engineering @ImperialMechEng
- Department of Physics @ImperialPhysics
- Department of Physics Undergraduate Notices @DoP_Imperial
- Department of Primary Care and Public Health @Imperial_PCPH
- Department of Surgery and Cancer @ImperialSandC
- DoC MSc Specialism @DoCMScSpecial
- DoC MSc Advanced @DoCMScAdvanced
- DoC Third Year @DoCThirdYear
- DoC Fourth Year @DoCFourthYear
- Educational Development Unit @Imperial_EDU
- eNewborn @eNewbornINRD
- Enterprise at Imperial @ImperialIdeas
- Enterprise Lab @ICEnterpriseLab
- Environmental Technology MSc @ICL_EnvTech
- Field Experiments at Silwood Park @Silwood_Park
- Fluids CDT @FluidsCDT
- Genomic Medicine @NHLIGenomic
- Gandhi Centre @GandhiCentreIC
- Global Challenges @ImpGlobalCh
- Global eHealth Unit at Imperial College London @eHealthImperial
- Global Health BSc Programme @gh_bsc
- Graduate School at Imperial College @ImperialGradSch
- Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment @GCEE_Initiative
- Grantham Institute @Grantham_IC
- HackScience @hackscience
- Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery @ICLHamlynRobotics
- Health Protection Research Unit, Antimicrobial Resistance @HPRUamr
- Health Protection Research Unit, Respiratory Infections @HPRURespiratory
- Helix Centre @helixcentre
- Hepatology @Ihepatology
- IC GP Teaching @ICGPteaching
- ICL Programming @iPr0gram
- Imperial Africa @Imperial_ICCARE
- Imperial Biofidelic @icSBOS
- Imperial Biomechanics @ICBiomechanics
- Imperial Cardiac Engineering @ImperialCardEng
- Imperial Clinical Trials Unit @ImperialCTU
- Imperial CPSE @imperial_cpse
- Imperial DesignEng @ImperialDE
- Imperial EPSRC Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare @CMPHImperial
- ImperialExecEd @ImperialExecEd
- Imperial Genomics @ImperialGF
- Imperial Human Behaviour and Experience Network .@hubex_icl
- Imperial IDE @Imperial_IDE
- Imperial IMSE @Imperial_IMSE
- Imperial ISST @imperial_isst
- Imperial Medical Education Innovation & Research Centre @Imperial_MEdIC
- Imperial Palaeobiology @ImperialPalaeo
- Imperial PSTRC @Imperial_PSTRC
- Imperial Research Computing Service @imperialRCS
- Imperial Research Software Engineering Team @ImperialRSE
- Imperial School of Medicine @Imperial_SoM
- Imperial School of Public Health @ImperialSPH
- Infectious Diseases and Immunity @IDI_Imperial
- Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication (DigiFAB) @ImperialDigiFAB
- Institute of Global Health Innovation @Imperial_IGHI
- International Phenomics Training Centre @ImperialIPTC
- LRF Transport Risk Management Centre @LRF_TRMC
- Materials for Quantum Network @mat4quantum
- Modelling Methodology Health Protection Research Unit @MM_HPRU
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis @MRC_Outbreak
- MSc in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces @MSCqFFF
- National Centre for Mesothelioma Research @NCMRimperial
- National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) @ImperialNHLI
- National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD) @NNRDbase
- National Phenome Centre @NPCUK1
- Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre @OCARC_Imperial
- Patient Experience Research Centre @Imperial_PERC
- Research in Aerodynamics @aeflowcontrol
- Respiratory Health and Clinical Epidemiology @RespEpi
- Respiratory Muscle Laboratory, National Heart and Lung Institute @NHLIRespMuscle
- The Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injury Studies .@TRBL_CBIS
- Royce at Imperial @RoyceImperial
- School of Public Health @ImperialSPH
- Schools and Health @SchoolsHealth
- Schistosomiasis Control Initiative @sci_ntds
- Surgery and Anaesthesia BSc @Surg_Anaes_BSc
- Sustainable Gas Institute @SGI_London
- Synthetic Biology Hub @imperialsynbio
- UK Dementia Research Institute @ImperialUKDRI
- Vascular Sciences, National Heart and Lung Institute @NHLI_VascSci
- Vascular Surgery @ImperialVasc
Research Groups and Labs
- Addiction Group @ICL_Addiction
- Almquist Lab, Bioengineering @AlmquistLab
- Antimicrobial Research Collaborative @ARC_at_Imperial
- Barkoulas Lab @barkoulab
- BasinsResearchGroup @BasinsIC
- Bevin Lab, Prostate Cancer @BevinLab
- Bioinformatics Data Science Group @Imperial_BDSG
- Cancer Metabolism and Systems Toxicology Lab @keun_lab
- Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group @csprg_imperial
- Cardiovascular Genomics Group @CVGenomics
- Cellular and Molecular Biomechanics Lab @biomech_lab
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Group @COPDUK
- Clean Fossil @IC_CleanFaB
- Computational Optimisation Group @CogImperial
- Computer Vision and Learning Lab @icvl_imperial
- Energy Futures Lab @EnergyFuturesIC
- Filloux Lab @FillouxLab
- Glycosciences Lab @Imperialglyco
- Higgins Lab @HigginsBioeng
- Imperial College Business School Educational Technology Lab @Edtech_lab
- Imperial Hazelab @ImperialHazelab
- Imperial Ophthalmology Research Group @ImperialOph
- Imperial Space Lab @ICSpaceLab
- Imperial Steel Structures @ICSteelStruct
- Imperial Wearables @ic_wearabletech
- Information Processing and Communications Lab @Imperial_IPCL
- Lloyd Lab @lloyd_lab
- Malaria Modelling Group @ImperialMalaria
- MSK Lab @MSkLab1
- Neuromechanics and Rehabilitation Technology group @NeuroCon_ICL
- Next Generation Neural Interfaces Lab @ImperialNGNI
- Novel Reservoir Modelling and Simulation @NORMS_IC
- Organic Geochemistry Lab @imperialorggeo
- Ovarian Cancer Surgery and Bioengineering Group @surgery_bioeng
- Pain Research Group @PainResearchICL
- Personal Robotics Lab @Imperial_PRL
- Psychedelic Research Group @Imperial_PRG
- Resilient Sustainable Infrastructure Group @ReSusInfra
- Robot Intelligence @RobotIntelliLab
- Robotic Additive Manufacturing Lab @RoboAMLab
- Space and Atmospheric Physics Group @IC_SpaceAtmos
- Team Macrophage @teammacrophage
- TMFC Group @ImperialTMFC
- Vaccine Epidemiology Research Group @VaccineEpi
Student Union, Clubs and Societies
- Imperial College Union @icunion
- Imperial College Union President @ICU_President
- Imperial College Union Deputy President (Clubs and Societies) @icu_DPCS
- Imperial College Union Deputy President (Education) @icu_DPE
- Imperial College Union Deputy President (Finance and Services) @icu_DPFS
- Imperial College Union Deputy President (Welfare) @icu_DPW
- Imperial Graduate Students' Union @ImperialGSU
- Royal College of Science Union @RCSU
- Dance Imperial @DanceImperial
- Felix newspaper @felix imperial
- I, Science Magazine @I_science_mag
- Imperial Africa Business Club @icbs_abc
- Imperial African Caribbean Society @ic_acs
- Imperial Badminton Club @ICBadminton
- Imperial Belly Dancing Society @ICUBelly
- Imperial Beyond Society @icbeyondsociety
- Imperial Caving Club @iccc
- Imperial Christian Union @CU_Imperial
- Imperial Civil Engineering Society @CivenSoc
- Imperial College Radio @IC_Radio
- Imperial College TV @ICTelevision
- Imperial Cricket Club @ImperialCricket
- Imperial Department of Computing Society @ICDoCSoc
- Imperial Devils Ice Hockey @ImperialDevils
- Imperial Drama Society @ICDramSoc
- Imperial Drama Society Crew @DramSocCrew
- Imperial Eagles Handball Society @ICHandball
- Imperial Entrepreneurs Society @ICEntrepreneurs
- Imperial Environmental Society @IC_ESoc
- Imperial Erasmus Club @esnimperial
- Imperial Gaelic Athletic Club @ICGAC
- Imperial GP Society @imperialgpsoc
- Imperial Hindu Society @ICHindu
- Imperial Hockey Club @ImperialHockey
- Imperial iGem @imperialigem
- Imperial Immortals, American Football Club @ImmortalsAFC
- Imperial IQ, LGBT+ Society @iqlgbt
- Imperial Islamic Society @imperialisoc
- Imperial Kabaddi Club @ICKabaddi
- Imperial Machine Learning @ML_ICL
- Imperial Mechanical Engineers @ICMechSoc
- Imperial Medical Leadership Society @ic_leaders
- Imperial Medicine Student Union @icsmsu
- Imperial MedTech @ImperialMedTech
- Imperial Musical Theatre Society @ICU_MTSoc
- Imperial Netball Club @ICSMNetball
- Imperial Physics Society @ICPhySoc
- Imperial Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Society @ImperialPHEM
- Imperial Psychiatry Society @ICSMPsychSoc
- Imperial Saudi Society @ImperialSaudi
- Imperial Squash @squash_ic
- Imperial Symphony Orchestra @ISOtweet
- Imperial Racing Green @ImperialRG
- Imperial Raising and Giving @ImperialRAG
- Imperial Rifle and Pistol Club @ICRifle
- Imperial Rugby @ICURFC
- Imperial Rugby League @ICRugbyLeague
- Imperial Shorinji Kempo @ICUSK
- Imperial Ultimate Frisbee @ICDiscDoctors
- Imperial Volleyball Club @ICVolleyball
- Imperial Women's Rugby @WomensRugbyIC
- Royal School of Mines Union @union_rsm
- Sports Innovation Challenge @Sports_Innov8
Student/Staff Services and Groups
- Educational Development Unit @imperial_EDU
- EDU Faculty of Medicine @EDU_FoM
- Equality and Diversity @Imperial_EDIC
- Estates @ImperialEstates
- Friends of IC @FriendsofIC
- Funding Strategy - Research Office @FundingStratICL
- Greening Imperial @Greenimperial
- Greening Silwood @GreenSilwood
- ICT Service Desk @theservicedesk
- Imperial 600 LGBT diversity group @imperial600
- Imperial As One @imperialasone
- Imperial Careers Service @imperialcareers
- Imperial College Advanced Hackspace @ICAHackspace
- Imperial Continuing Professional Development @ImperialCPD
- Imperial Evening Classes, School of Professional Development @ImpEvening
- Imperial Health and Wellbeing @ImperialHwb
- Imperial Learning and Development Centre @Imperial_LDC
- Imperial Library @imperiallibraryi
- Imperial Medical Libraries @impmedlib
- Imperial Open Access @OAImperial
- Imperial Postdocs and Fellows Enterprise Network @ImperialPFDC
- International Student Support Team @ISSimperial
- Move Imperial @MoveImperial
- Postdoc Development Centre @ImperialPDC
- Safety at Imperial @ICLSafety
- Sci Comm Forum @SciCommForum
- Student Hub @icstudenthub
- Support and advise for students with Special Learning Difficulties (SpLD) @spldimperialac2
- Surgical Skills Programme @Imperial_LGSSP
- Techcelerate @ICTechcelerate
- The Centre for Academic English @imperialenglish
- Imperial College Business School Alumni Network @ImpBizAlumni
- Imperial Women's Network @ImperialWomens
Imperial NHS Trust
- Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust Library Service @Chelwestlibs
- Imperial AHSC @ImperialAHSC
- Imperial Health Charity @ImperialCharity
- Imperial NHS @ImperialNHS
- Imperial NHS Trust Department of Emergency Medicine @Imperial_EM
- Imperial People @ImperialPeople
- NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Cooperative @NIHR_DEC_London
- NIHR Imperial Clinical Research Facility @ImperialCRF
- NIHR Imperial PSTRC @Imperial_PSTRC
- NIHR London IVD Co-operative @NIHR_London_IVD
- Aero Women at Imperial @AeroWomenIC
- Anglian Water Strategic Partnership @WaterImperial
- Blyth Centre @artsimperial
- Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease Study @BOLD_study
- Center for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection Postdocs @cmbi_cpa
- The Curious Act @TheCuriousAct
- Explore Surgery @ExploreSurgery
- Faculty of Medicine Summer School @revsinbiomed
- The Forum @imperial_forum
- Gut Hormones in Addiction Study @ghaddstudy
- Imperial College Life Cycle Network @ICL_LifeCycle
- Imperial College STAR Framework @STAR-framework
- Imperial Consultants @ConsultImperial
- Imperial Flow Cytometry Facilities @imperialflowcyt
- Imperial GP Specialty Training Scheme @ImperialGpst
- Imperial Incubator@Imperial_INC
- Imperial Pre-sessional English Summer Programme @ImperialPSE
- Imperial Venues @ImperialVenues
- Innovation Forum @IF_ICL
- Leading Health System Network @LHSN_wish
- Mathematics of Planet Earth @MPECDT
- MBBS Study Skills @MBBS_studyskill
- Multidisciplinary Science MRC Doctoral Training Programme @imperial_mrcdtp
- Open Air Labs (OPAL) @OPALnature
- Peoples Cafes @ResearchCafes
- Rock Library @Rock_Library
- SAF'ferers @ Imperial @SAFferers
- Student Shapers @StudentShapers
- SynbiCITE @synbicite
- Tech Foresight @ICTechForesight
- ThinkSpace London @ICLThinkSpace
- Women in STEM at Imperial @WOMENinSTEM_IC
If you're part of a club or society at Imperial you can now request the opportunity to take over the @ImperialCollege Instagram account to help promote your events and activities.
Fill out the application form and we'll be in touch once we've reviewed your submission.
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Imperial College Business School
Departments and Centres
- Chemical Engineering
- Dyson School
- Earth Science and Engineering
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Energy Futures Lab
- Enterprise Lab
- ICAHackspace
- Grad School
- Institute of Global Health Innovation
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
- National Heart and Lung Institute
- The Hamlyn Centre
- Department of Materials
Student Union, Clubs and Societies
- Imperial College Union
- Imperial College Union Sport
- Imperial College Graduate Students' Union
- Imperial School of Medicine Students' Union
- City and Guild's College Union
- Royal College of Science Union
- Imperial African Caribbean Society
- Imperial Ahlulbayt Society
- Imperial A Capella
- Imperial Basketball
- Imperial Belly Dance
- Imperial Boat Club
- Imperial Boxing
- Imperial Bruneian
- Imperial Calisthenics Society
- Imperial Chamber Choir
- Imperial Choir
- Imperial Charity Week
- Imperial Cricket
- Imperial Dance Club
- Imperial Dance Company
- Imperial Design Engineering Society
- Imperial Devils (Ice Hockey)
- Imperial Drama Society
- Imperial East African Society
- Imperial Gliding Club
- Imperial Gospel Choir
- Imperial GP Society
- Imperial Healthcare Club
- Imperial Hindu Society
- Imperial Hockey Men's
- Imperial Iranian Soc
- Imperial Kabaddi Club
- Imperial Kpop Society
- Imperial Lacrosse
- Imperial Ladies Hockey
- Imperial Lebanese Society
- Imperial Light Opera
- Imperial Malaysian Society
- Imperial Maths Society
- Imperial Medics Boat Club
- Imperial Medics Cricket
- Imperial Medics Hockey
- Imperial Medics RFC
- Imperial Medics Women's Football
- Imperial MedTech
- Imperial Mountaineering
- Imperial Netball
- Imperial Outdoor Club
- Imperial Pakistan Society
- Imperial Petroleum Engineers
- Imperial PhySoc
- Imperial Pole and Aerial Society
- Imperial Racing Green
- Imperial RAG
- Imperial Robotics
- Imperial Rugby
- Imperial Sailing
- Imperial Saudi Society
- Imperial School of Medicine RAG
- Imperial Sikh Society
- Imperial Singaporean Society
- Imperial Snowsports
- Imperial Spanish Society
- Imperial Squash
- Imperial Sri Lankan Society
- Imperial Surf
- Imperial Swim and Water Polo
- Imperial Taekwondo
- Imperial Tamil Society
- Imperial Tennis
- Imperial Titans (Cheerleading)
- Imperial Triathlon Club
- Imperial Turkish Society
- Imperial Underwater Hockey (Octopush)
- Imperial Veg Society
- Imperial Volleyball
- Imperial Welsh Society
- Imperial Women's Rugby
- Imperial Wushu Society
- Raincatcher Imperial
- The Scopes
- The Techtonics
Student/Staff Services and Groups
Imperial NHS Trust
Departments and Centres
- Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA)
- Centre for Blast Injury Studies
- Centre for Continuing Professional Development
- Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology (QuEST)
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Earth Science and Engineering
- Department of Materials
- Department of Physics
- Enterprise Division at Imperial College London
- Grantham Institute
- Helix Centre
- Imperial College Health Partners
- Imperial International Phenome Training Centre
- Imperial White City Incubator
- Institute of Global Health Innovation
- Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering
- Institute for Security Science and Technology
- Educational Development Unit
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
- Partnership for Child Development
- Royce at Imperial
Student Union, Clubs and Societies
- Imperial College Union
- Imperial College Graduate Students Union
- Imperial African Caribbean Society
- Imperial Australian Society
- Imperial Biochemistry Society
- Imperial Consultancy Society
- Imperial Data Science Society
- Imperial Drone Society
- Imperial Electrical Engineering Society
- Imperial Finance Society
- Imperial Model United Nations
- Imperial Nigerian Society
- Imperial Radio
- Imperial Robotics Society
Imperial NHS Trust
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- CLAHRC Northwest London
- Hammersmith Hospital
- Imperial Health Charity
- NIHR/Imperial Biomedical Research Centre
- NIHR/Imperial Clinical Research Facility
- Embodied Knowing
- eNewborn Database
- Imperial College Advanced Hackspace
- Imperial College Diabetes Centre Abu Dhabi
- Imperial College Photonics
- Imperial College Press
- Imperial Consultants
- Imperial Data Sciences Intensive Course
- Imperial Entrepeneurs
- Imperial Estate Operations
- Imperial Flow Cytometry Facilities
- Imperial Innovations
- Imperial Policy Forum
- Imperial Oil and Gas Forum
- Imperial Space Lab
- Imperial ThinkSpace
- Imperial Venues
- Leading Heath Systems Network
- London Centre for Neglected Tropical Disease Research
- Neonatal Medicine Research Group
- Programme Management Office
- Transport Strategy Centre
Departments and Centres
- Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA)
- Aeronautics Flow Control Research
- Biological Physics Group
- Cancer Research UK Imperial Centre
- Centre for Engagement and Simulation Science
- Centre for Performance Science
- Civil Engineering Design
- Data Science Institute
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Computing Team Skills
- Department of Design Engineering
- Department of Materials
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Surgery and Cancer
- Dyson Robotics Lab
- Educational Development Unit
- Energy Futures Lab
- Grantham Institute - Climate Change and the Environment
- High Performance Embedded and Distributed Systems Programme
- Institute of Global Health Innovation
- Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
- Mechatronics in Medicine Lab
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
- National Heart and Lung Institute
- Robot Intelligence Lab
- Royce at Imperial
- Schistosomiasis Control Initiative
- Sustainable Gas Institute
- The Biomechanics Group
- The National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI)
- Tech Foresight
Student Union, Clubs and Societies
- Imperial College Union
- Imperial Graduate Students Union
- Imperial African Caribbean Society
- Imperial Beyond Society
- Imperial Big Band
- Imperial Boat Club
- Imperial Boxing
- Imperial Canoe Club
- Imperial Chamber Choir
- Imperial Christian Union
- Imperial Chinese Society
- Imperial College TV
- Imperial Comedy Society
- Imperial Dance Club
- Imperial Finance Society
- Imperial Gospel Choir
- Imperial Hindu Society
- Imperial Igbo Society
- Imperial Indian Society
- Imperial Islamic Society
- Imperial Kabaddi
- Imperial Malaysian Society
- Imperial Musical Theatre Society
- Imperial Pole and Aerial Society
- Imperial Project Nepal
- Imperial Rugby Club
- Imperial Sailing Club
- Imperial School of Medicine Boat Club
- Imperial School of Medicine Surgical Society
- Imperial Singapore Society
- Imperial Skydiving Society
- Imperial Symphony Orchestra
- Imperial Taekwondo Society
- Imperial Tamil Society
- Imperial Titans, Cheerleading Club
- Imperial Volleyball Club
- Imperial Wolverines Dodgeball Club
- Imperial Yacht Club
- The Imperielles, Acapella Group
- The Scopes, Acapella Group
- The Techtonics, Acapella Group
Student/Staff Services and Groups
Imperial NHS Trust
- Imperial NHS Trust
- Imperial Clinical Research Facility
- Imperial Healthcare Charity
- Imperial Private Healthcare
Imperial College London (must already have Weibo account)
Imperial College London