The podcast is presented by Gareth Mitchell, a lecturer on Imperial's MSc Science Communication course. He’s also a longstanding BBC presenter and reporter. Gareth is joined each month by our roving reporters in the Communications Division.

If you have feedback that you'd like to share or ideas for future editions, we'd love to hear from you; please contact Gareth Mitchell.

You can also find the podcasts on most major platforms, including YouTube, Apple PodcastsStitcher and Spotify.

Check out other podcasts produced across the College in our podcast directory.


Podcasts 2012

In this edition: Sir Gordon Conway discusses how to feed the world and Vin Chauhan explains what skeletons tell us about Victorian Britain.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 12 December 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

In this edition, expert reflection on Superstorm Sandy from a professor of atmospheric physics, and students from Imperial’s Canoe Club report on their three-month expedition in Peru.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 21 November 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

In this edition, Imperial’s new series of public events kicks off with terrifying consequences for cats, and two of our experts explain how the winners of this year’s chemistry and physics Nobels earned their prizes.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 31 October 2012 (To download, right click and select "save as".)

Or listen to individual chapters

In this edition, we meet an MBA student whose software package brings webpages to life using audio, and find out what researchers have learned about preventing non-communicable diseases.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 10 October 2012 (To download, right click and select "save as".)

Or listen to individual chapters

Infection model In this edition: A new strategy for treating bacterial infections and a Paralympian’s advice for students designing sporting equip ment.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 12 September 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Dr Tina Van De Flierdt in Antarctica In this edition: A glimpse of tropical ancient Antarctica and the science of manipulating light waves.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 22 August 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Head of NASA and former astronaut, Charles Bolden In this edition: A Boris Bike scheme but for cars, what it means to be an Imperial alumnus and the Head of NASA.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 1 August 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Model of the Higgs Boson particle In this edition: Imperial scientists celebrate Cern’s big discovery and composers create the soundtrack for a walk around campus.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 11 July 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Physics student Kadhim Shubber with his skeleton and tandem In this edition, Darwinian ditties emerge from natural selection and a student gets saddled with a skeleton.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 20 June 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Mars rover In this edition, find out what Nasa’s next Mars rover is looking for and what working with artists can tell scientists about their research.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 30 May 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Satallite around the planet Jupiter In this edition, we find out how bad badgers in the media affect the way that diseased animals are treated and hear why champagne corks are popping all around the College.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 9 May 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Pilot Plant In this edition, an update on strategies to prevent malaria transmission, and a visit to the new carbon capture pilot plant opening on campus.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 18 April 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Graph on chalk board In this edition, a librarian ponders the future of academic publishing, and a mathematician suggests that patterns we see in data might not be as helpful as we think.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 21 March 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Petri dish In this edition, we discover why neutrinos appeared to be in such a hurry and hear why virus scientists want to publish details of how to create more transmissible strains of bird flu.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 29 February 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

School pupils with a podcast Researchers enlist schoolchildren to measure pollution, a prize-winning essay writer shares his tips, and two experts offer contrasting views on whether Mars’s surface could have harboured life.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 8 February 2012

Or listen to individual chapters

Model of the Higgs Boson particle What secrets will the Large Hadron Collider reveal in 2012? Our latest podcast looks at the year ahead for Cern, plus turning wrapping paper into biofuel, using art to treat mental health problems, and diagnosing traumatic brain injury.

Listen to the complete streamed podcast - 18 January 2012

Or listen to individual chapters