
Booking information

Trainer: Societal Engagement Team

Cost: Internal - no charge; External - not available. 

This course is available to Imperial staff and doctoral students only.

Dates and venue information:

This course will run in Autumn 2024/Spring 2025.  Full details will be published here in August.

If you have any questions, please contact the Societal Engagement team.

Book your place now

This masterclass will allow you to build on your learnings from the core masterclass by putting your ideas into practice. 

Key areas covered 

  • Discuss why our research funders think engagement is important and how engaging the wider public can be a pathway to many potential impacts and applications of research 
  • Using examples to identify funding criteria around public engagement with research 
  • Consider how engagement might lead to societal impacts for our own research areas 
  • Developing plans for effective public engagement that could lead to research impact, and how to evidence the difference made through engagement activities 

Who is it for? 

This masterclass is aimed at any Imperial staff member or doctoral student who: 

  • Has attended the core engagement masterclass or similar training through the Graduate School
  • Aspires to further the impact of research through effective engagement 
  • Would like to better understand the role of engagement in research impact and the relevant policy and funding context 
  • This session will be particularly relevant for anyone involved in developing funding proposals involving public engagement with research, including pathways to impact statements 

*Please note that engagement activities that may support teaching and learning practice can be used to support an application for HEA fellowship via Imperial’s STAR framework. 

** Doctoral students: This Masterclass is open to both Imperial staff and doctoral students, so the sign up through Inkpath looks slightly different to some other GS courses. Students attending this masterclass will receive 1 credit from the Graduate School. 

How to book your place 

This course is free, but please see the terms and conditions of booking on the Qualtrics form. Places are limited and will be booked on a first come first served basis with a waiting list. 

If you have any queries please email   

This session will be held in-person on our South Kensington campus.  If you are unable to attend in-person or would like to explore the options for training at an alternative campus, please contact us so that we can assess demand and discuss your needs.