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  • Conference paper
    Hu Y, Liu Y, Toumazou C, Georgiou Pet al., 2012,

    A CMOS architecture allowing parallel DNA comparison for on-chip assembly

    , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 1544-1547, ISSN: 0271-4302
  • Conference paper
    Spulber I, Georgiou P, Eftekhar A, Toumazou C, Duffell L, Bergmann J, McGregor A, Mehta T, Burdett Aet al., 2012,

    Frequency analysis of wireless accelerometer and EMG sensors data: Towards discrimination of normal and asymmetric walking pattern

    , Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, Pages: 2645-2648

    This preliminary study reports on the combined use of wireless accelerometers and wireless EMG sensors for monitoring walking patterns. The sensor data was analyzed in frequency domain through FFT, PSD and time-frequency spectrogram analysis. Accelerometer spectra was found to shift towards lower frequencies (<3 Hz) while EMG spectra of selected muscles shifted towards higher frequencies (>50 Hz) during asymmetric walking. Median frequency was used to quantify the spectral shifts. The combined wireless accelerometer/EMG system showed potential for discrimination between the normal and asymmetric walking.

  • Journal article
    Herrero P, Georgiou P, Oliver N, Toumazou Cet al., 2012,

    A Bio-Inspired Glucose Controller Based on the Pancreatic β-Cell Physiology

    , Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Vol: 6
  • Journal article
    Soon-Shiong P, Toumazou C, Burdett A, 2011,

    Ultra-low-power semiconductors for wireless vital signs early warning systems

    , ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol: 47, Pages: S26-S28, ISSN: 0013-5194
  • Journal article
    Toumazou C, Georgiou P, Bergveld P, 2011,

    Piet Bergveld-40 years of ISFET technology: From neuronal sensing to DNA sequencing

    , ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol: 47, Pages: S7-S12, ISSN: 0013-5194
  • Journal article
    Georgiou P, Toumazou C, 2011,

    Semiconductors for early detection and therapy

    , ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol: 47, Pages: S4-S6, ISSN: 0013-5194
  • Journal article
    Toumazou C, Georgiou P, 2011,

    Semiconductors in Personalised Medicine

    , ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol: 47, Pages: S1-S2, ISSN: 0013-5194
  • Journal article
    Al-Ahdal AG, Toumazou C, 2011,

    ISFET threshold voltage programming in CMOS using electron tunnelling

    , ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol: 47, Pages: 1398-U160, ISSN: 0013-5194
  • Journal article
    Gelencsér A, Prodromakis T, Toumazou C, Roska Tet al., 2011,

    A Biomimetic Model of the Outer Plexiform Layer by Incorporating Memristive Devices

    , Nature Precedings

    In this paper we present a biorealistic model for the first part of the early vision processing by incorporating memristive nanodevices. The architecture of the proposed network is based on the organisation and functioning of the outer plexiform layer (OPL) in the vertebrate retina. We demonstrate that memristive devices are indeed a valuable building block for neuromorphic architectures, as their highly non-linear and adaptive response could be exploited for establishing ultra-dense networks with similar dynamics to their biological counterparts. We particularly show that hexagonal memristive grids can be employed for faithfully emulating the smoothing-effect occurring at the OPL for enhancing the dynamic range of the system. In addition, we employ a memristor-based thresholding scheme for detecting the edges of grayscale images, while the proposed system is also evaluated for its adaptation and fault tolerance capacity against different light or noise conditions as well as distinct device yields.

  • Conference paper
    Kalofonou M, Georgiou P, Toumazou C, 2011,

    An ISFET based chemical Gilbert Cell

    , IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 2011, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 365-368

    This paper presents an ISFET based chemical Gilbert Cell capable of differential measurement of pH signals during thermocycling reactions. Such a process is important for DNA analysis during PCR, with the capability to be applied in Lab-On-Chip (LOC) topologies. The proposed circuit is capable of measuring the difference between two reaction chambers allowing stable drift reduction. The system has been designed and fabricated in a typical 0.35μm CMOS process, with the resulting topology achieving differential measurement, tunable gain of up to 40dB, temperature stability, with a variation of just 0.7% within the range of 0 to 100°C and a low power consumption of 198nW. © 2011 IEEE.

  • Conference paper
    Toumazou C, Georgiou P, 2011,

    Bio-inspired semiconductors for early detection and therapy

    , Pages: 129-132

    This paper presents an overview of how semiconductor technology is now being used for early detection and therapy of disease. Specifically three areas are described which are currently utilising CMOS technology with tremendous benefit in healthcare. The first being in mobile health whereby CMOS technology enables implementation of a low power intelligent wireless solution. The second being in Genomics, whereby advances in CMOS based ISFET technology is now allowing implementation of Point-of-Care diagnostic systems as well as genetic sequencing systems which are scalable, miniature and fabricated at low cost, and the final being in bio-inspired prosthetics, whereby low-power CMOS based systems can be designed to replicate biology to provide implantable and portable devices for personalised therapy of conditions such as Diabetes. © 2011 IEEE.

  • Conference paper
    Woods SP, Constandinou TG, 2011,

    Towards a micropositioning system for targeted drug delivery in wireless capsule endoscopy

    , Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 7372-7375, ISSN: 1557-170X

    This paper describes a novel micropositioningmechanism for achieving 1ml of targeted drug delivery within wireless capsule endoscopes. The mechanism allows a needle to be positioned within a 22.5° segment of a cylindrical capsule and be extendible by up to 4mm. The mechanism achieves both these functions using only a single micromotor and occupying a volume of just 200mm³ (including micromotor), this represents only 6.6% of the total available space. Through a detailed stress analysis it has been shown that the proposed mechanismcan be fabricated using FDA approved materials and requires a power budget of under 3.3% of the available capacity. It is envisaged this mechanism would empower a new breed of capsule microrobots for therapy in addition to diagnostics for pathologies such as ulcerative colitis and small intestinal Crohn’s disease.

  • Conference paper
    Saremi-Yarahmadi S, Fobelets K, Toumazou C, 2011,

    Coupled RF Inductive sensors for monitoring the pH of electrolyte solutions

    , International conference on dielectric liquids
  • Journal article
    Liu Y, Georgiou P, Prodromakis T, Constandinou TG, Toumazou Cet al., 2011,

    An Extended CMOS ISFET Model Incorporating the Physical Design Geometry and the Effects on Performance and Offset Variation

    , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol: 58, Pages: 4414-4422, ISSN: 0018-9383

    This paper presents an extended model for theCMOS-based Ion-Sensitive-Field-Effect-Transistor (ISFET), incorporating design parameters associated with the physicalgeometry of the device. This can, for the first time, provide a good match between calculated and measured characteristics bytaking into account the effects of non-idealities such as threshold voltage variation and sensor noise. The model is evaluated through a number of devices with varying design parameters (chemical sensing area and MOSFET dimensions) fabricated ina commercially-available 0.35μm CMOS technology. Threshold voltage, subthreshold slope, chemical sensitivity, drift and noisewere measured and compared to the simulated results. The first and second order effects are analysed in detail and it is shown that the sensors’ performance was in agreement with the proposed model.

  • Journal article
    Georgiou J, Andreou AG, 2011,

    Special Issue on Selected Papers From BioCAS 2010

  • Journal article
    Prodromakis T, Peh BP, Papavassiliou C, Toumazou Cet al., 2011,

    A Versatile Memristor Model With Non-linear Dopant Kinetics

    , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol: 58, Pages: 3099-3105, ISSN: 0018-9383
  • Journal article
    Nikolic K, Serb A, Constandinou TG, 2011,

    An Optical Modulator in Unmodified, Commercially-Available CMOS Technology

    , IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol: 23, Pages: 1115-1117, ISSN: 1041-1135

    Here we present a method and structures for mid-infrared, free-space optical communication using unmodified, commercially available complementary metal-oxide semiconductor integrated circuits. The modulator is based onthe free carrier absorption in parasitic PN junction structures under reverse bias. Measured results demonstrate the proof-of-concept with speeds of 100bps (1.55um wavelength), but at least two orders of magnitude improvement can be achieved. This technology will enable non-galvanic chip-to-chip and chip-to-package communication as an alternative to wirebonding in applications that benefit from a planar top chip surface, such as chemical sensing lab-on-chip systems as well as general sensorsand mid-infrared communication.

  • Patent
    Georgiou P, Prodromakis T, Constandinou TG, Toumazou Cet al., 2011,

    Sensor Array for Measuring Neural Activity

    A sensor system comprising a substrate and integrated onto the substrate an array (7) of sensor elements (1), each sensor element comprising one or more inductors (3), one or more electrochemical sensors (4), and one or more optical sensors (2). The system further comprising a controller configured in use to separately address each of the sensor elements (1) to drive the respective inductors and receive outputs of the respective sensors.

  • Patent
    Nikolic K, Constandinou TG, Toumazou C, 2011,

    Method and Apparatus for Optically Outputting Information from a Semiconductor Device

    A method of optically outputting information (e.g. digital data) from a semiconductor device, the method comprising: providing a semiconductor device having a semiconducting p-n junction, the p-n junction having a region of reduced free charge carrier density; applying an electrical signal to modulate the extent of the said region, the electrical signal being representative of the information to be outputted; arranging incident light to pass through at least part of the said region, such that the light is at least partially absorbed in dependence upon the modulated extent of the said region, thereby producing intensity-modulated output light; and detecting the intensity of the output light and thereby determining the outputted information. Also provided is an electro-optical assembly, a package module for mounting a semiconductor device on a printed circuit board, and an integrated circuit chip.

  • Journal article
    Kalofonou M, Toumazou C, 2011,

    ISFET based chemical Gilbert cell

    , Electronics Letters, Vol: 47, Pages: 903-904, ISSN: 0013-5194

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