All Core Facilities listed below reside within the Department of Bioengineering research space and as such users must undergo relevant inductions, and follow all local, departmental and College rules at all times.

bookingCore facilities must be booked prior to the required time by using the appropriate booking calendar. Access is only granted after training and induction is completed and the access request form approved.

Facilities are charged at a minimum possible rate to cover only the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment itself, i.e. to break even only, none of the facilities run to provide funds for upgrades, replacements or additions. New facilities, upgrades and additions must be costed on academic grant proposals.

Costs and Rates

Charging rates, South Kensington
EquipmentCost: DepartmentCost: ImperialCost: ExternalContact and booking

Leica SP5 Confocal Microscope 

   £25/hr  £71/hr  £138/hr Miguel Hermida
booking via LIMS

Zeiss PALM Laser Microdisection (

Flourescence only  £7.50/hr   Miguel Hermida
booking via LIMS

Laser microdissection

£20/hr £25/hr £138/hr
TissueCyte 1000 two-photon tomography system    £27/hr £27/hr   Dr Yu  Liu

Booking via LIMS

2-photon microscopes    £27/hr  £27/hr   Dr Yu  Liu

Booking via LIMS

Objet 30 Pro  (3D printer)    
  • Technician fee: 20/hr  (min 1 hr)
  • VeroWhite, VeroGray, VeroBlack: 0.35/g
  • VeroBlue: 0.3 /g
  • VeroClear: 0.8/g
  • DurusWhite, RGD525: 0.4/g
  • Support: 0.3/g
  Mr Niraj Kanabar

Booking via LIMS

3D Bioplotter (bioprinter)    £50  £60   Miguel Hermida
booking via LIMS

Tissue Culture Hood 

including consumables  £11.25/hr  £22.50/hr   Miguel Hermida
booking via LIMS

not including consumables

Aug 2021
Summary of the table's contents
Charging rates, White City
Charging rates White City 
EquipmentCost: DepartmentCost: ImperialCost: ExternalContact and booking

Leica SP8 Confocal Microscope 

   £25/hr  £71/hr  £138/hr Sharad Patel
booking via LIMS

MicroCT scanner

Flourescence only  £7.50/hr   Sharad Patel
booking via LIMS

Laser microdissection

£20/hr £25/hr £138/hr
 Mass Spec / Characterisation lab    £27/hr £27/hr   Seichepine, Florent 
2-photon microscopes    £27/hr  £27/hr   Yu  Liu

Booking via LIMS

  • Electronics
  • Mechanics
  • 3D printing
  • Lasercutting
  Niraj Kanabar

Booking via LIMS

Cleanroom/Bionanofrabrication suite    £50  £60  

Florent Seichepine

booking via LIMS

Tissue Culture Hood 

including consumables  £11.25/hr  £22.50/hr   Sharad Patel
booking via LIMS

not including consumables

Aug 2021
White City Charging Rates